Thursday, 31 May 2007

Advanced Workout: Sets & Reps

After you have figured out your form and become more than a beginner, it’s time to re-vamp your routine. The number of sets and repetitions (reps) may be considered more important than the exercises being performed. In the avenue of bodybuilding there is a variety of routines that can be effective. Effectiveness of a routine usually lies in the ability of your workout to put as much strain on a muscle without over working it. This is done much easier when keeping most of the factors in a workout constant and only making one change. This leads to the explanation on how to choose the number of sets and reps to do and how it affects your muscles. The goal of bodybuilding is to increase size and mass of a muscle. This means every set is going to be to what is called muscle failure (except the warm up). Muscle failure being the point at which you can’t move the weight anymore. Having a spotter is essential for this type of workout. For the most part the reps are going to stay consistent, meaning the variable is the number of sets. The ideal number of times your muscle needs to go to failure per exercise is four. Meaning four sets per exercise. For the purpose of this article it’s assumed that there is a proper warm up and stretching before the first four sets. The next step is to determine the number of reps per set. Each set will be to failure so technically you don’t need a number of reps to do because you are going to push the weight until you can’t anymore. This means the proper amount of weight is more important. Rather than trying to complete a certain number of reps, use an amount t of weight to hit a target range of reps. The first set’s range is 10-12. This means you want to stack enough a weight so that your muscles need to stop at 10 or 11 reps. If you can do 12 that’s ok. If you can do more than 12 you need to increase the weight. If you can’t do 10, you need to decrease the weight. The second set’s range is 8-10. The third and fourth set’s range is 6-8. The only factor left is the number of sets to do per exercise. You want to do between 12 and 20 sets per muscle. This is 3-5 exercises per muscle. In all honestly doing less than 4 exercises (16 sets) will be significantly less effective. At first glance it looks like 3 muscles would be 60 sets, which would take hours. Remember though some exercises use more than one muscle. For example 4 sets of chest press would go toward your chest sets and your triceps sets. You still want to isolate muscles when possibly. This helps track muscles so you don’t overwork them. Certain muscles can be worked as secondary muscles and primary muscles on different days. For example the biceps have a fast recovery. A lot of back exercises involve the biceps. You can work back on one day and then isolate biceps on the next day and that muscle should be able to take the extra strain. Learn your muscles to find out the right range for you. Find your body type and work with it to build massive lean muscle. Use the range suggestions for sets to fit a number of sets to each of your muscles. Because of the way your muscles are used in your body, you shouldn’t need to change the number of reps or sets you do unless your goals change. For the most part once your body adjusts to your new workout you will only need to change the actually exercises you do. This will work the muscles from different angles activating dormant muscle fiber, while still pushing them to failure so that you can gain the maximum amount of muscle.

Can You Really Lose 10 Pounds In 7 Days With Fat Burning Soup Diets?

Claiming to help you lose anywhere from 10 to 17 pounds of weight in just a week, fat burning soup diets like the cabbage soup diet have been referred to as the ultimate fad diets. How honest are these fat burning soup diets and do they live up to their claims?
After becoming popular in the 1980s, the cabbage soup diet is now circulated all over the Internet and as a result is popular still to this day. In fact, the actress Sarah Michelle Gellar has been known to use this fat burning soup diet to lose weight.
The idea behind fat burning soup diets is to fill you up on low-calorie soup and several other specific foods. The soup itself supposedly has fat burning properties. However, experts deny this and say that any weight loss achieved come as result of consuming very few calories, approximately 800 to 1000 calories to be specific.
Am I saying that these fat burning soup diets work for weight loss? Well, my answer is yes and no. The cabbage soup diet, for example, has been used by many people for short-term weight loss and is seemingly effective. However, when you take a closer look you realize that the grass is not always greener on the other side.
Your body will always lose considerable weight when you drastically lower your calories and the amount of carbohydrates you consume, but this should not be confused with fat loss. Rather, you will lose water weight and becoming dehydrated, which will result in you feeling weak, having dizzy spells and even fainting if your blood sugar level goes down too much.
What’s more, any water weight you lose is temporary and regained immediately when you go back to eating normally. If you thought that the 10 pounds you’re losing would be permanent fat loss, then I’m sorry to disappoint you but that’s simply not true.
Furthermore you’ll also burn muscle tissue in addition to the water loss. This will reduce your metabolism speed making it easier to put the weight back on as fat. Not only will you have a slower metabolism, but when you drastically lower how many calories you consume you also encourage your body to conserve energy, which is stored as fat tissue.
In addition to everything I’ve mentioned, you also have to take into account the fact that fat burning soup diets can have high levels of sodium and MSG (monosodium glutamate) and leave you lacking in essential nutrients including protein, calcium and essential fatty acids, as well as some necessary vitamins and minerals.
Something else to remember is that if you exercise when on a fat-burning soup diet this can have negative consequences since you are consuming far less calories than what your body needs for to function properly. If you attempt resistance or strength training (lifting weights, for example) this can result in even more muscle loss as you do not have enough protein in your diet for muscle repair/growth.

Wednesday, 23 May 2007

What you should know about tiredness

Tiredness is not an uncommon symptom. Throughout the world many people suffer from tiredness. One in four people in USA and Europe suffer from tiredness of one form or another. Tiredness is quickly affecting more people than any other condition.
Everybody nowadays has very busy and stressful lives, most of these will experience tiredness at some time during their working careers. Normally just a good night’s sleep and a little rest will be enough to resolve the symptoms.
For some people tiredness can become more of a problem. Most people don’t realize that this is actually a medical condition, they will just tell you that there’s nothing wrong with you, all you need to do is get some more sleep.
Some of the popular suggestions to cure your tiredness won’t work in the long run. Drinking cups of coffee may help in the short run, however it is unlikely to be sufficient to resolve the underlying problem.
Some people can only manage to sleep for a couple of hours every night, but don’t actually suffer from any problems with tiredness. Margaret Thatcher is one of the most famous people known to be like this, she only needs 4 hours of sleep every night to function correctly.
A number of things can cause tiredness, sometimes a combination of these things can cause the problem.
Here is a list of the main reasons that can make you feel tired.
Tiredness can be caused by physical exhaustion. Tiredness can cause you to avoid doing any strenuous activities, however, by not partaking in exercise you will become more unfit and then suffer more as a result.
Tiredness can also be caused by emotional reasons. Stress and worry are common parts of today’s lifestyle, however, both of these take a lot of energy and can leave you feeling drained and tired. Depression can easily cause you to be tired.
Lifestyle can cause tiredness, for example, if you look after small children, or dogs it can be very exhausting!
Many different illnesses and medications can cause you to feel tired. It’s worthwhile looking at the side effects of any medication you are going to take and mentioning to your doctor that you suffer from chronic tiredness.
Of course if you don’t get enough sleep it will leave you feeling tired and confused.
It is normally possible to increase your energy levels. By increasing your energy levels it should also help to improve your concentration, memory and your social life. No more saying “I feel too tired to go out”!
When we are down in the dumps we often dread getting out of bed in the mornings, and we are also irritable. By taking some of the steps below it should be possible to improve your daily life.
Alarm clocks aren’t good things, for a start mine glows in the dark so I can’t sleep and then it feels the need to wake me up anyway! Think about how fantastic it would be if you could wake up without needing to use an alarm clock, you would feel so relaxed!
Think about what it would be like to go out at night and still have enough energy to have a good time. Imagine what it would be like not to need as much sleep as you used to need.
All of these things are within your reach, all you need to do is change your life so that you can have these. You just need to realize that tiredness is a condition and it must be treated. You should discover why you feel tired so you can cure it.
Anybody can treat the symptoms, but that wont do anything unless you actually treat the cause of your tiredness.

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Slimaluma - A New Weight Loss Supplement

Did you know that diet has the greatest impact on your weight loss efforts, as compared to maintaining the same unhealthy diet and increasing exercise? As a matter of fact, the celebrity Janet Jackson, who lost 60 pounds in 2006, attributes a whopping 80 percent of her success to changes in diet. Also, it’s interesting to note that she refuses to use the word “diet.” She says, “It’s a way of life--good portions, nice, balanced meals.”
Portion control is one of the most important elements of weight loss. The human stomach is designed to hold only about one quart of food or beverage - an amount that would fit in your cupped hands. The portions at fast-food joints and restaurants are often grossly beyond this. An effective weight loss supplement can help you with hunger control and can be especially helpful in the primary stages of your weight loss program. This is often the most difficult stage because your stomach is still stretched from eating portions that are too big for the body to efficiently process. This brings us to the role of Slimaluma, a completely natural appetite suppressant that gives you the power you need for optimum hunger control.
Slimaluma is a perfectly safe and wholly natural appetite suppressant, based on the extract of Caralluma Fimbriata, which is an edible plant found in India. Caralluma Fimbriata has been used for centuries in India as a food source during times of famine and as a natural appetite suppressant to counter the physical maladies caused by overeating. As a matter of fact, Caralluma Fimbriata is still enjoyed as a dietary staple in tribal India – tribal men chew the plant to suppress hunger when they go on long expeditions!
The hypothalamus in the brain controls appetite. When you’re hungry, the hypothalamus tells the brain that food is needed. And when the stomach is full, the hypothalamus tells the brain to stop eating. Scientists have discovered that Slimaluma suppresses the hunger sensory mechanism of the hypothalamus. Instead, Slimaluma’s natural Pregnane Glycosides send their own signal to the brain that the stomach is full. This is exceptionally helpful for people who have difficulty sensing when the stomach is full, which leads to overeating. Slimaluma is particularly helpful for hunger control in such instances, and is especially effective if you’re prone to binge eating.
Slimaluma goes beyond hunger control - it’s a healthy weight loss supplement with proven reviews. A clinical trial of Slimuluma was conducted at Division of Nutrition at the St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences in Bangalore, India, from January to August of 2003. The trial was a double blind, placebo-controlled study of 62 subjects. One group took 500 milligrams of Slimaluma one hour before each meal. They showed significant decreased appetites in relation to the placebo, or control group. The same held true for body weight, body mass index, body fat, waist circumference, hip circumference, and even blood pressure!
In another clinical trial of Slimuluma conducted by the Western Geriatric Research Institute in Los Angeles, 26 patients participated in a double-blind study conducted over four weeks. Patients were instructed not to change their regular eating habits. Out of the 18 patients taking Slimaluma, 15 lost weight -11 of whom lost six pounds, and 1 who lost nine pounds! It’s very interesting to note that patients with a higher body mass index lost more weight. Thirteen of the Slimaluma patients, or 72 percent, reduced their waist size by one-half to three inches. In addition, five of the Slimaluma patients reported an increase in energy level.
Slimaluma also helps you feel energetic, which is very important during a weight loss program. When losing weight, you may naturally experience a sense of lethargy, and it’s all too easy to overcompensate for this sensation by overeating. Many other weight loss supplements fail in this regard.
Besides stimulating impressive fat loss, Slimaluma even helps you gain lean muscle mass. Slimaluma naturally inhibits fat synthesis by blocking the formation of Co-Enzyme A. Fat loss and building lean muscle is important because muscle burns calories faster than does fat. Also, muscle is more compact than fat, helping you look more lean and trim!
In comparison to the popular appetite suppressant Hoodia Gordonii, Slimaluma is perfectly safe. The FDA has not approved Hoodia Gordonii. That’s because it can be detrimental to the liver and the elements that cause this cannot be removed during processing. Such compromised liver function can also inhibit the absorption and effectiveness of prescription drugs. Further, Hoodia Gordonii can be dangerous for diabetics, as it tricks the brain into thinking that the body has ample blood sugar levels. If that is not enough, up to 80 percent of Hoodia Gordonii products are contaminated or counterfeit. It’s near impossible to ascertain whether Hoodia is pure unless you have it tested by an independent laboratory.
Comparatively, Slimaluma is a 100 percent natural appetite suppressant. The only mild adverse effects, which were reported by both the control and the placebo group in the India study, included moderate acidity, mild constipation and mild flatulence - all of which subsided one week after beginning the trial. No other adverse effects were reported. Slimaluma is even certified organic by the USDA. Not only is that better for your health, but it guarantees ecologically sustainable farming practices.
Although Slimaluma is an effective weight loss supplement, managing portions and daily exercise are vital to your overall weight loss program, and should become a permanent way of life. Daily exercise reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke and cancer. It is the number one way to alleviate stress, lowers blood pressure, improves mood, jump-starts your sex life, and of course, makes you look terrific in your bathing suit. Act now, and make the changes in your diet and exercise habits to drop the pounds. Also, give Slimaluma a try and jump-start your healthy weight loss program.

Thursday, 17 May 2007

Discover The Countless Benefits of Green Tea Dieting

In this article I will discuss some of the many benefits of green tea dieting. Although it’s not a diet as such, this simply involves consuming green tea regularly or supplementing with green tea pills. I’ve always been curious why there are countless benefits of green tea dieting. What is it that makes green tea so effective?
One of the greatest benefits of green tea dieting is the occurrence of an anti-oxidant known as EGCG, or epigallocatechin gallate. For years researchers were puzzled why the French suffer from relatively few heart diseases despite a diet rich in fat. The answer was found to lie in red wine, which contains a similar chemical that limits the negative effects of smoking and high-fat foods.
New studies showed one of the biggest benefits of green tea dieting is that EGCG is twice as powerful as the chemical found in red wine. This also explains why in Japan, heart disease is quite low among men, even though around 75% of them are smokers, as the Japanese regularly drink green tea.
You may be wondering why consuming other teas in your diet do not have the same benefits of green tea dieting. This is because green tea is processed differently. While black and oolong tea leaves are oxidized through fermentation, green tea leaves are steamed, preventing the loss of anti-oxidants, which is why we have so many benefits of green tea dieting.
A study published in the January 2006 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that people who drank tea fortified with green tea extract every day for three months lost more body fat than those who drank a bottle of oolong tea which proves the effectiveness of green tea in comparison. Researchers say that one of the main benefits of green tea dieting is that it triggers weight loss by stimulating the body to burn more calories and decrease body fat.
Other research shows that another one of the biggest benefits of green tea dieting is that it helps you fight the flu by boosting your system's immunity against viruses. Green tea has a substance in it that makes the certain cells in your body output 10 times the normal amount of interferon, which is what fights the virus. However, there are still many other benefits of green tea dieting.
There is also strong evidence that the benefits of green tea dieting also include a reduction of bladder, colon, esophageal, pancreas, rectum, and stomach cancer by up to 60%. EGCG has been said to be at least 100 more times more effective than vitamin C and 25 times more effective than vitamin E at protecting cells from harmful influence.
Yet another one of the benefits of green tea dieting comes from studies in Britain which show that green tea can help slow the process of Alzheimer’s disease by inhibiting chemicals in the brain responsible for plaque and protein deposits in the gray matter of your head. It is these deposits which hinder the ability to think clearly.
Based on the many studies on the benefits of green tea dieting, I recommend at least 3-5 cups a day. Green tea extract supplements are also available. Regardless of whether you want to lose weight or not, the benefits of green tea dieting are too many to ignore, even if weight loss is not a priority. Why do 95% of dieters fail within one year? Why are fat burning pills a complete rip-off? Joseph Cole answers these questions and more in his revealing industry report "Weight Loss Scams, Myths and Cons Exposed". Get your FREE copy today at:

Lose Weight Naturally

Tired of thinking ways on how to lose weight? Well try reading these facts about the proper way on losing weight.
Almost everybody loves to eat. There is no problem in eating as long as you know how to watch your health and as long as you know your limitations. The only problem in eating is when you eat too much. When you eat too much that is the time you start to gain weight and gaining weight is just natural as long as you don’t become obese or overweight.
Well when you become obese or overweight that is the time when such problems arise. Being obese or overweight is a bad sign that your diet is not healthy.
According to Merriam dictionary obesity is defined, as a term to describe body weight that is much greater than what it is considered healthy.
So when you notice that you’re gaining weights too much you should start and planning on ways on how to lose weight safely. Always remember that in losing weight you should consider your health’s safety.
Usually the fastest and most common way to lose weight is by using diet products. We buy diet pills, herbal teas, creams that remove cellulites in our body. Most of the diet products that we buy in the market today help us to lose our appetite in eating. They lessen our urge to eat the things we usually love to eat. There’s nothing wrong in taking diet products. But you have to be reminded about certain things when you’re taking such diet products. Make sure that the product your going to use is safe. Check it out on its labels if they undergone lab tests. Consult you physicians if it’s healthy enough for you to use it and ask your physician also about the right dosage for your body. These are just few ways on how to choose the right diet product for you body.
I’m not saying taking pills, herbal teas and other diet products is not safe enough for your health. But if you’re really trying to lose weight safely and effectively why don’t you try the natural way.
Well if you’ll move on with the natural way of losing weight the first thing you should do is gather some facts. Do a research or ask your doctors which is better for you. A low-carb diet or a balanced diet can do. Should you engage in physical activities at least three times a week? Sometimes because of were preoccupied so many things it’s no wonder that we usually give up on the natural way of losing weight. But wait if you wish to live a long life, it’s better that you have enough knowledge about the real facts about health, nutrition and physical activity.
Secondly, you should eat better. Always remember that eating a healthy balanced and well-apportioned meals will help you maintain your normal weight. Third, be active. You don’t need to go to the gym five times a week. Instead you can take a forty-five minute walk at a brisk space and burn up 300 calories. Besides from brisk walk you can take the stairs, play activity games with your kids or jog a few minutes in your place and a lot more. And lastly, learn more about eating better and living healthier.
Lose weight for a longer life and better life.

Help On Sports Nutrition Supplements

Have you wondered how your favorite athletes do their workout? Or what kind of exercises they perform, what kind of food they eat or how do they manage to relax under pressure situations? Probably you don't care about all this because what matters for you is their performance in the sport. But it doesn't mean that they don't take care of themselves like we do.
In fact, athletes need to monitor their lifestyle very closely and keep their health conditions at par with their competitors; not just by eating right food items but also by consuming supplements.
Supplements are an integral part of athletes' diet. It is required to have an enhancement of their endurance, and also to increase or, if not increase, at least maintain the appropriate muscle mass to be able to improve size and strength. One of the most important parts of any sports nutrition is protein supplements. Without these supplements, athletes would not be the way they are at present. However, contrary to what most people think, diets jam-packed with protein do not necessarily build up muscle strength.
Building up muscle strength would be the job of regular physical activity. So if you want those big muscles you have to do exercises, not necessarily at gyms but could be also at your residences, daily. The key factor here is regularity. What you can achieve with steady and regular exercises may not be possible with a high profile but an irregular one. Sports nutrition supplements need high levels of protein, which you can get from protein-rich foods. Enumerating all those food item will be a total waste of space in this article.
But to make you aware of the basics, here are a few of the foods that are rich in protein. There is fish, poultry and dairy products, and these are the foods you usually get your protein from because some sources of protein are high in fat and also in calories. So basically, you must take note of which sources are high in fat and which are not. Even though nutrition supplements are useful, there are many reasons because of which sports nutrition experts discourage use of such supplements. One of the reasons is that these supplements can put a strain on your liver and kidneys. Other reasons include high amounts of nitrogen in the nutrition supplement, which will only be excreted from your body as urea. But it is not as easy nor is as safe as it sounds because this said excretion often causes fluid imbalance, which leads to dehydration. Another problem with sports nutrition supplements that have high amounts of protein from animal sources is that there are higher risks of heart diseases due to the high fat intake associated with such nutrition. One more disadvantage of sports nutrition supplements is that there is a huge tendency that you will ingest amino acids that are capable of interfering with other amino acids, which results in a metabolic imbalance. Beware of sports nutrition supplements that have high amounts of amino aids because it can cause gout; diarrhea and stomach cramping that can rank from mild to severe pain. Even though sports nutrition supplements are being discouraged by sports nutrition experts, Bricker Labs, a sports nutrition supplement manufacturer, still does a lot of research, developments and marketing in this area. Bricker Labs has over thirty years to blame for their success in their provision of sports nutrition supplements. They do not apply to sports nutrition only too, but also to weight loss, diet, health and other nutritional aspects. It's because of their experience in the field of sports nutrition and also because of their choice of perfectly safer ingredients in developing the nutrition that you would not like to consider any other manufacturer for your sports nutrition supplements. So what are the ingredients they use and how are they safer than those that other manufacturers use? They make us of the L-Carnitine, which is mainly used for weight loss, energy and also for having a healthy heart function; Colostrums, which gives your body a healthy immune system function and also gives your body an improved stamina and also for an easier recovery in almost all cases; Vandayl Sulfate, which is capable of growing your muscles and also has the ability to define your muscles; Protein, everyone knows what protein is for and that is for sports nutrition, and also for health and muscle growth.
Another component is called Creatine, which is used for sports nutrition and muscle growth but it also involves bodybuilding at this time; HCA or Garcinia Cambogia, are for losing weight and suppressing your appetite; and last but certainly not the least, Vitamin B-12, is for overall health and nutrition. All these ingredients mixed proportionately make the right sports nutrition. And an adequate dose of such nutrition gives the athlete required energy and muscle strength. Now you know what keeps an athlete going!

Saturday, 12 May 2007

Dieting doesn't cure cellulite

An estimate 85% of women are plagued by cellulite, and new research from the US has shown weight loss isn't always the solution for orange-peel thighs. The study showed that most women's cellulite improved with weight loss, but that is worsened for some.Women who saw the biggest improvements were those who lost the largest amounts of weight and lowered their percentage of thigh fat. Women whose cellulite worsened, started with a singnificantly lower BMI, lost smaller amounts of weight and had no change in percentage of thigh fat.Regular exercise and balance diet and daily dry skin brushing are still your best defence against those dimples!

Home fitness, home gym as perfect solution to attain fitness in busy life

If you get tired by just climbing a fight of stairs or after running for a minute then you are not absolutely fit. A fit person is capable to do some amount of physical activity without getting tired at all. Fit body is free from every kind of ailment. A fit person would not get unwell or sick every third day. In fact, he has the capability to fight against every kind of change in the environment, diet etc. He would not be affected by small changes in diet, lifestyle or environment. In the busy life, where it becomes difficult to give time to your dear ones; imagining taking time to go gymnasiums etc seems something next to impossible. The only solution to maintain fitness is by doing exercise at home. Various kinds of strategies are adopted in order to attain fit body. Working out at home has become popular in recent years and health & fitness equipment and home fitness machines continue to be a common mode of exercise. Convenient, safe, and effective, home gyms are very practical. Home fitness has emerged as an easy and convenient way to get fit body. Home fitness is fitness at home. Home fitness does not mean fitness without exercise; infect it means exercising at home with taking care of diet and other factors.
Fitness without exercise and physical activity is not possible. In home fitness one can get hold of the equipments at home and perform various exercises. Home fitness machines are a way of exercising that comes with the convenience of being right at home. Some activities like running, skipping, swimming, cycling, and aerobic exercises are helpful in maintaining fitness. Home gym is another option in which you just require to join any station from the multi station home gyms near your home. Here you can get the quality of the health club strength training in the comfort of your home. A home gym offers a complete strength building workout for the entire body.
Home fitness acts as a perfect solution for the people who wish to remain fit but due to busy schedule can not afford to go to gyms or health clubs. People interested in home fitness can take some handy sort of machines like portable cycle, walking, jogging etc. even small weights can be kept in the home gym that would enable an individual to have weight lifting exercises. In nut shell the idea behind is to attain fitness and in this busy life home fitness or working out at home comes out as the perfect option to maintain good health.

bodybuilder contest at 65 kg.

bodybuilder contest at 60 kg.

Friday, 11 May 2007

Thailand strongman 2006 contest Part 2

Thailand strongman 2006 contest Part 1

This part is look for Thai winner.

Home fitness, home gym as perfect solution to attain fitness in busy life

If you get tired by just climbing a fight of stairs or after running for a minute then you are not absolutely fit. A fit person is capable to do some amount of physical activity without getting tired at all. Fit body is free from every kind of ailment. A fit person would not get unwell or sick every third day. In fact, he has the capability to fight against every kind of change in the environment, diet etc. He would not be affected by small changes in diet, lifestyle or environment. In the busy life, where it becomes difficult to give time to your dear ones; imagining taking time to go gymnasiums etc seems something next to impossible. The only solution to maintain fitness is by doing exercise at home. Various kinds of strategies are adopted in order to attain fit body. Working out at home has become popular in recent years and health & fitness equipment and home fitness machines continue to be a common mode of exercise. Convenient, safe, and effective, home gyms are very practical. Home fitness has emerged as an easy and convenient way to get fit body. Home fitness is fitness at home. Home fitness does not mean fitness without exercise; infect it means exercising at home with taking care of diet and other factors.
Fitness without exercise and physical activity is not possible. In home fitness one can get hold of the equipments at home and perform various exercises. Home fitness machines are a way of exercising that comes with the convenience of being right at home. Some activities like running, skipping, swimming, cycling, and aerobic exercises are helpful in maintaining fitness. Home gym is another option in which you just require to join any station from the multi station home gyms near your home. Here you can get the quality of the health club strength training in the comfort of your home. A home gym offers a complete strength building workout for the entire body.
Home fitness acts as a perfect solution for the people who wish to remain fit but due to busy schedule can not afford to go to gyms or health clubs. People interested in home fitness can take some handy sort of machines like portable cycle, walking, jogging etc. even small weights can be kept in the home gym that would enable an individual to have weight lifting exercises. In nut shell the idea behind is to attain fitness and in this busy life home fitness or working out at home comes out as the perfect option to maintain good health.

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Vitamins and Foods For Heart Health; Grapes or Apple Cider?

People have lots of interesting questions about vitamins and foods for heart health. We have received questions about grapes and heart health, apple cider vinegar and heart health and many others. We thought that we could probably cover grapes and apple cider vinegar in this article and we will have more coming soon.
It is not surprising that people are interested in what are the best vitamins and foods for heart health. The heart is one of the most important organs in our body. We cannot live without it and when disease strikes the heart, the results are serious. Much research has been down about the importance of vitamins and foods for heart health. There are many, many healthy foods, many not so healthy foods and some foods that you should avoid entirely. Here, though, because of specific questions that people have about grapes and heart health, as well as, apple cider vinegar and heart health, we are focusing on these two foods. Apple cider vinegar might be thought of as more of a condiment than a food, but the source is the apple, a very healthy food, for the heart and the rest of the body as well.
Let’s start with grapes. Grapes come in a variety of colors, can be eaten raw and are used to make wines, juices, jams and jellies. Research concerning grapes and heart health began when the French Paradox was discovered. Researchers found that the typical diet in France was high in animal fat, but the incidence of heart disease was lower than that of other Western countries. Red wine consumption is believed to be the answer to the paradox.
However, it is not safe to assume that drinking red wine will counteract the affects of the typical American diet, which contains way too much fat in general and way too much animal fat, specifically. Diet and fitness experts agree on very little, but most agree that no more than 30% of the calories consumed per day should come from fat, regardless of the “type” of fat. In the healthiest diet for the heart, and in general, fat should come from fish, nuts, olives and other plant sources.
But, back to grapes and heart health. A compound known as resveratrol is believed to help lower cholesterol levels, slowing the build up of fatty deposits in the arteries. Grapes contain resveratrol. Red wine contains resveratrol, but white does not, because the skins are not used during the fermenting process. For the same reason, grape juice is not a source of resveratrol. The compound is found in the skins of the grapes, so eating them raw works, but processing for foods (such as jelly) that does not include the skin does not provide the same benefit. Some of the better daily health supplements now contain resveratrol.
As opposed to many recommended vitamins and foods for heart health, the subject of apple cider vinegar and heart health is controversial. Over the years, apple cider vinegar has been used as a remedy for everything from sunburn to pneumonia. The validity of these uses is questionable. The two uses supported by scientific research are weight and blood sugar control. Either of these could establish a possible relationship between apple cider vinegar and heart health, since uncontrolled type II or adult onset diabetes and obesity are both risk factors for heart disease.
The relevant studies indicate that two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a meal can reduce appetite, cause a feeling of fullness and reduce the glycemic index of the food being eaten. Starchy carbs, like potatoes, pasta and rice have a high glycemic index and can cause a spike in blood sugar levels. None of these studies focused on apple cider vinegar and heart health. There is no evidence that apple cider vinegar reduces or prevents cardiovascular disease. It is likely that apples are better for you, because of the vitamin and fiber content.


Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Pre-workout Exercise for Peak Performance

Ever get those less-than peak performance days when you just can't seem to get switched on to your exercise program? You did manage to drag yourself off the couch and even get started, but you feel like you're just going through the motions.
Pre-workout Exercise for Peak Performance
Ever get those less-than peak performance days when you just can't seem to get switched on to your exercise program? You did manage to drag yourself off the couch and even get started, but you feel like you're just going through the motions.
Achieving your peak performance, your body goals, or any goal for that matter, is determined by the behaviours that you engage in, and I don't just mean exercise.
Your behaviour is determined by the emotional state you are in. In this case the behaviour is dragging your feet over getting into your exercise workout, but it applies to any behaviour - how you feel directly affects what you do and how well you do things.
If you want to behave differently, you have to feel differently. The problem is we might want to behave in a certain way but we sometimes seem unable to. It's almost like we have no control over how we feel and therefore no choice over how we behave. Consequently we succumb to urges, lack discipline and react to stimuli that trigger undesired behaviours and are then at the mercy of our habits.
Now most people try to change this state directly, through sheer effort of will. Unfortunately willpower is a very difficult way of changing behaviour. It involves increasing struggle within oneself and has little likelihood of success. Willing yourself into a peak performance state is impossible. Willing yourself to exercise results in a poor effort and sets you up for injury. So if discipline and willpower don't work, what does?
Well if you really want to change your behaviour you have to change your emotions. Any top athlete will tell you that if their emotional state is not right they won't even come close to peak performance. Once you have different feelings you will automatically engage in different behaviours.
With these 3 steps you can take charge of your mind to direct your power to make a peak performance exercise workout.
Step 1:
Once in your workout gear and ready to start find a quiet place where you won't be distracted. Take three deep slow breaths. Clench your fist as you recall (with eyes closed) previous occasions when you felt strong and motivated. It can help a lot to set up this trigger mechanism beforehand by creating the mental association between the clenched fist and the feeling of enthusiasm, motivation and power. You mentally anchor these feelings to the action of clenching your fist so that when you clench your fist it triggers off the feelings like a conditioned response. Feeling the feelings is most important.
Step 2:
Once you feel the sensations, mentally see yourself performing your exercise routine. See it in specific detail and feel what your body would feel exactly as you know it would be if you were actually working out.
Step 3:
Now think of a word that encapsulates your peak performance at the degree of workout intensity you desire. This power word could be anything but you might choose a word like "power", "force", "focus", "impact", "drive" or "yes!" etc.
Keeping your fist closed, mentally exclaim the word several times, letting its meaning sink into your consciousness. Then unclench the fist, open your eyes and take a deep centering breath before getting into your exercises.
Through this process you are programming your subconscious mind to deliver the mental and physical power you need to drive your behaviour for a peak performance workout.
Your power word serves as your workout reminder trigger. If you find your mind wandering or your enthusiasm flagging, simply repeat your power word (out loud or mentally) three times with emphasis.
Each time you perform this refocusing technique you are reinforcing the conditioning and strengthening the neuromuscular link to promote peak performance. For more details on exactly how to create powerful triggers beforehand so that you can almost instantly create a change in emotional state and your behaviour, read my article "Peak Performance Shape Up".
You don't have to be a top level athlete to aim for peak performance. Aim for peak performance in all areas of your life and you will find more success and satisfaction all round. Trigger techniques enable you to nip the problem times in the bud so your peak performance is not only more achievable but easier to do.

Ever get those less-than peak performance days when you just can't seem to get switched on to your exercise program? You did manage to drag yourself off the couch and even get started, but you feel like you're just going through the motions.
Pre-workout Exercise for Peak Performance

Ever get those less-than peak performance days when you just can't seem to get switched on to your exercise program? You did manage to drag yourself off the couch and even get started, but you feel like you're just going through the motions.

Achieving your peak performance, your body goals, or any goal for that matter, is determined by the behaviours that you engage in, and I don't just mean exercise.

Your behaviour is determined by the emotional state you are in. In this case the behaviour is dragging your feet over getting into your exercise workout, but it applies to any behaviour - how you feel directly affects what you do and how well you do things.

If you want to behave differently, you have to feel differently. The problem is we might want to behave in a certain way but we sometimes seem unable to. It's almost like we have no control over how we feel and therefore no choice over how we behave. Consequently we succumb to urges, lack discipline and react to stimuli that trigger undesired behaviours and are then at the mercy of our habits.

Now most people try to change this state directly, through sheer effort of will. Unfortunately willpower is a very difficult way of changing behaviour. It involves increasing struggle within oneself and has little likelihood of success. Willing yourself into a peak performance state is impossible. Willing yourself to exercise results in a poor effort and sets you up for injury. So if discipline and willpower don't work, what does?

Well if you really want to change your behaviour you have to change your emotions. Any top athlete will tell you that if their emotional state is not right they won't even come close to peak performance. Once you have different feelings you will automatically engage in different behaviours.

With these 3 steps you can take charge of your mind to direct your power to make a peak performance exercise workout.

Step 1:

Once in your workout gear and ready to start find a quiet place where you won't be distracted. Take three deep slow breaths. Clench your fist as you recall (with eyes closed) previous occasions when you felt strong and motivated. It can help a lot to set up this trigger mechanism beforehand by creating the mental association between the clenched fist and the feeling of enthusiasm, motivation and power. You mentally anchor these feelings to the action of clenching your fist so that when you clench your fist it triggers off the feelings like a conditioned response. Feeling the feelings is most important.

Step 2:

Once you feel the sensations, mentally see yourself performing your exercise routine. See it in specific detail and feel what your body would feel exactly as you know it would be if you were actually working out.

Step 3:

Now think of a word that encapsulates your peak performance at the degree of workout intensity you desire. This power word could be anything but you might choose a word like "power", "force", "focus", "impact", "drive" or "yes!" etc.

Keeping your fist closed, mentally exclaim the word several times, letting its meaning sink into your consciousness. Then unclench the fist, open your eyes and take a deep centering breath before getting into your exercises.

Through this process you are programming your subconscious mind to deliver the mental and physical power you need to drive your behaviour for a peak performance workout.

Your power word serves as your workout reminder trigger. If you find your mind wandering or your enthusiasm flagging, simply repeat your power word (out loud or mentally) three times with emphasis.

Each time you perform this refocusing technique you are reinforcing the conditioning and strengthening the neuromuscular link to promote peak performance. For more details on exactly how to create powerful triggers beforehand so that you can almost instantly create a change in emotional state and your behaviour, read my article "Peak Performance Shape Up".

You don't have to be a top level athlete to aim for peak performance. Aim for peak performance in all areas of your life and you will find more success and satisfaction all round. Trigger techniques enable you to nip the problem times in the bud so your peak performance is not only more achievable but easier to do.