Tuesday 2 October 2007

Look and Feel Younger with Dance Exercise

Look and Feel Younger with Dance Exercise

Everyone has days when they feel old—like you're just not as physically fit, flexible or energetic as you used to be. Of course this naturally happens more and more as we age, but there are things you can do to at least turn back the clock and feel young again.
When was the last time you danced? It might have been years ago, probably at a wedding where you danced one song and then sat out the rest of the night. Or maybe you're a person who always loved to dance but you haven't been able to find time for it in your life since you had kids.
Whatever your attitude toward dance has been in the past, I'm here to tell you that dancing is a wonderful exercise to help you feel more energetic and youthful. Dance gets your heart pumping and gets you feeling like a kid again.
Once you start moving to the music, you stop caring about all the worries of the world. Endorphins the feel good hormones are naturally released into your body and you start to feel happy and relaxed. You might even start laughing and acting a little silly, all the while you're burning calories, bonding with your family members and having the most fun exercising you've had in a really long time.
You don't have to be an expert to bring the energy of dance into your workouts. Even if you've never danced before or have two left feet, you can better your body, lose weight and have a great time with simple easy to follow dance exercise moves. The key is combining simple moves that anyone can do with really great music that makes you forget you're "working out" and just keeps you focused on moving your body.
Using dance exercise is the ultimate cardiovascular workout. You'll work out your arms, legs, abs, shoulders and more. Dancing can improve flexibility and balance and give you more self-confidence.
Dancing to different kinds of music and incorporating moves from around the world brings you closer to different cultures and actually educates you while you're sweating your worries away.
And because you're only as young as you feel, dancing brings a little fun back into your life, which will make you feel more enthusiastic and inspired, about your workout and about life.
Working out, with dance or any other program, helps relieve stress and makes you feel better equipped to deal with the problems you will face every day. You'll be improving your health every day you dance, no matter what shape you were in when you started.
Dancing is something that anyone can do, no matter your age, weight, sex or previous experience with dancing. It's easy to learn, fun to do and an energizing workout that you'll want to stick with for the long haul. Start your day dancing and you'll start your day with a smile.


Look and Feel Younger with Dance Exercise

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