Saturday, 8 September 2007

5 Best Fat Burning Tips

5 Best Fat Burning Tips

The top 5 belly fat burners are not supplements. In fact, diet supplements are a useless way to lose weight and shed body fat. They just don't work. On the other hand, the right workout routine and nutrition programs will help burn fat fast and get the body you want...
So let's get right to are 5 ways to make this a great fat-burning day...
1) Do Something You Love
If you are a beginner and you hate the gym, just do something you love! Don't make your healthy lifestyle a prison sentence. Enjoy what you eat and do. Just don't eat garbage and don't look at exercise as punishment.
2) Strength Training
A very, very recent study (published in the May issue of the Journal of Applied Physiology 102:1 767, 2007) showed that resistance training boosts metabolism by 10% and increases fat burning by 100%!
Boost Fat Burning 100% with strength and interval workouts.
3) Interval Training
The latest research from Australia showed a more weight loss from interval training than from long, slow cardio. In fact, the long, slow cardio group didn't lose any weight. AND - this study was done in yes, strength and intervals work for women.
Strength training and interval training are the 1-2 punch that blowtorch fat off your body.
4) Eat 6 Small Meals of Whole, Natural Foods
Fruits and vegetables, protein, nuts, and healthy fats. It's that simple. Don't spend another dollar on "the latest diet". You ALREADY KNOW what to do!
5) Avoid Booze, Sugar, Trans-Fats, & Inactivity
Yeah, I know, real "secrets" here, CB. "Thanks", you're thinking sarcastically. Listen, sometimes we just need the motivation. Maybe there is a donut within reach, or you're thinking about watching the tube instead of exercising, or you've got a cookie in one hand and an apple in the other.
Let this be a simple reminder to make the right choice.
Everything you do takes you closer to OR away from fat loss. Craig Ballantyne is a fitness expert and regular contributor to Men's Health and Women's Health magazines, and is on the advisory board for Oxygen Magazine. Craig's trademarked fat burning exercises, help people lose fat fast in the comfort of their own homes. Learn more at


5 Best Fat Burning Tips

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