Monday, 24 September 2007

Hollywood`s "New" Slimming Drug Clenbuterol Is Not So New

Hollywood`s "New" Slimming Drug Clenbuterol Is Not So New

Clenbuterol has recently gained popularity as the slimming drug of choice for Hollywood`s “beautiful people” due to it`s ability to reduce fat (adipose tissue) quickly. This won`t surprise certain athletes or body builders as they have known about it for years. Here`s how it works.
Not a steroid hormone but a beta-2-symphatomimetic clenbuterol also has a strong anti-catabolic effect which inhibits the rate at which protein is reduced in the muscle cell causing cell enlargement. It is a beta-2 adrenergic agonist that causes an increase in aerobic capacity, an increase in blood pressure and oxygen transportation and greater CNS (central nervous system) stimulation. clenbuterol also increases the manufacture and secretion of cathecholamines (catabolic hormones) such as epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine. This in turn increases aerobic capacity and in conjunction with the heightened state of the CNS leads to greater stimulation of the skeletal muscle system.
Secreted from the adrenal region, catabolic hormones have many functions; not least of these is their ability to very specifically alter the contractile character of smooth muscle. Some will be inhibited whilst others will be stimulated. For example the smooth muscles of the bronchial tree will be inhibited. This is said to have a soothing effect in patients with breathing difficulties and as such is administered as a decongestant and bronchodilator. Clenbuterol will also inhibit and reverse the effects of insulin resulting in a release of glycogen into the circulatory system. It also impairs the ability to store or use more glycogen and increases the rate at which protein and fat (adipose tissue) are consumed due to the increased metabolic functions of the subject.
Clenbuterol is very efficient at burning fat as it slightly increases body temperature. This increase in temperature forces the body to burn fat for this process. A rise of 1.0? F in body temperature can result in a 5% reduction of adipose tissue (fat). Due to this ability to burn fat without dieting it is now a popular, if illegal, drug with slimmers. If used in conjunction with a sensible diet and cardiovascular exercise it produces very good results. Body builders also appreciate the higher metabolic rate as it burns more calories, essential for a leaner, tighter physique with cuts and striations. Be aware also of the fact that whilst fat is taken from adipose tissue most protein loss will occur in muscle tissue. As with all catabolic hormones muscle loss is inevitable. With this in mind it is often used for a 3 week period during a cycle of anabolic steroids that will preserve the lean muscle mass whilst still removing fat. Because aerobic capacity and oxygen transportation are also increased, clenbuterol is also very attractive to athletes involved in endurance sports where a boost is required. Also popular with distance runners and a firm favourite of cyclists in it`s liquid form.
Tests conducted on animals revealed that clenbuterol also acted as an anabolic capable of imparting muscle gain. As the opposite would appear to be the case in humans it must be pointed out that the animals were fed dosages considerably higher than would be tolerated by humans. Also under fierce discussion is the possibility of a ”beta-3” receptor not found in humans. Dosages taken by people are measured in micrograms with the dosage building to a maximum daily intake before reducing once again to the original daily dose. A period of 3 weeks on 3 weeks off would appear to be very popular as clenbuterol becomes less effective as the body becomes more tolerant. Body homeostasis will attempt to negate the functions of clenbuterol. The off period ensures that the body remains receptive to the effects and benefits you wish to achieve. A typical 21 day regime may be as follows: 40/40/40/60/60/60/80/80/80/100/100/100/80/80/80/60/60/60/40/40/40 mcg daily followed by 21 days rest. Dosages should not exceed 160 mcg for men 120 mcg for women. One should also decrease the dose if the side effects make it necessary.
Side effects can include:
Headaches Muscular tremors (especially hand shakes) Muscular cramps Nervousness Insomnia Sweating Increased appetite Nausea Palpitations Hypertension (high blood pressure) Possible cardiac hypertrophy as clenbuterol also targets cardiac and smooth muscle fibres Heart muscle necrosis has been demonstrated in animal studies
Given the added pressures put on the body due to increased metabolic rate, body temperature etc it is not recommended that people with heart conditions and/or high blood pressure use any performance related products without prior medical consultation. Also be aware that there are possible liver toxicity issues if clenbuterol is “stacked” with accutane, anti-biotics, 17-alpha-alkylated steroids, or other hepatoxic elements.
For further general information try or for dosage/cycle time etc.


Hollywood`s "New" Slimming Drug Clenbuterol Is Not So New

The Top 10 Leg Exercises

The Top 10 Leg Exercises

Working on your legs can improve your stamina, shape and overall fitness. If you don’t work on your lower body as well - you won’t see the kind of ‘whole body’ benefits that you CAN achieve and the body shape won’t be in proportion. Great leg and butt exercises are a must. Here are my current top 10 leg exercises:1. Step Calf RaisesThis exercise is great for toning the calf muscles - you’ll need a step and some dumbbells. Stand on the step and position your feet so that the heels are slightly off the edge. Hold the dumbbells to the side and push up on to your toes.2. LungesStand holding dumbbells at your sides with your feet about a hip width apart. Step forward with one foot - when the foot hits the floor bend it and lean forward so that your other leg bends towards the floor.3. One Legged SquatsStand sideways next to a wall and place the palm of your hand on the wall just under the level of your shoulder. Extend your arm and position your body so you feel comfortable - you’ll use the wall for balance and support. Make sure that the foot that isn’t next to the wall is at a 45 degree angle and bend the leg nearest the wall back. Keep upright and lower your body until the knee that isn’t bearing your weight is close to the floor then push back up again.4. Hamstring BridgesLie down flat on your back. Keep one foot on the ground and lift the other one up and hold it there. By using your hamstrings in your leg you can lift your body and then lower it back down again.5. SquatsUsing either dumbbells or a barbell, stand with your feet a shoulder width apart and lower yourself down until your knees are fully bent at a 45 degree angle and you are squatting. Push up until you are upright again.6. Dumbbell Step UpsTake your dumbbells and use one leg to step up on the step. Then step up with the other leg and step down again.7. Dumbbell PlieSquat down with your legs around a shoulder width apart. Hold your dumbbells in front of you with the palms of your hands facing inwards. Move into a standing position whilst opening your arms in a T position.8. Leg PressesSit on a leg press machine - your feet should be around a shoulder width apart. Without altering the position of your hips bend the knees to a 45 degree angle while lowering the weight, then push it back up, extending and straightening the legs.9. One Legged Press with Exercise BallSit on your exercise ball and walk/roll forward until your knees are bent. Straighten out one leg, keeping the other one bent. Use the heel of the bent leg to push up on the exercise ball and push down on the heel of the extended leg as it drags in the movement.10. Leg Circles with Exercise BandLie flat on the ground with one knee bent and the foot placed flat on the floor. Then extend the other leg straight up toward the ceiling. The band should be wrapped round the foot that is pointing upwards. You need to hold both ends of the band in the hand on the side of the leg that points up - keeping your leg straight, start to make circles with your leg at the hip in a counter-clockwise direction. Reverse and switch legs.If you are unsure about the best leg exercises for your exact fitness level then an online personal trainer or a personal trainer at your local gym will be able to give you the best advice.

The Top 10 Leg Exercises

Saturday, 8 September 2007

5 Best Fat Burning Tips

5 Best Fat Burning Tips

The top 5 belly fat burners are not supplements. In fact, diet supplements are a useless way to lose weight and shed body fat. They just don't work. On the other hand, the right workout routine and nutrition programs will help burn fat fast and get the body you want...
So let's get right to are 5 ways to make this a great fat-burning day...
1) Do Something You Love
If you are a beginner and you hate the gym, just do something you love! Don't make your healthy lifestyle a prison sentence. Enjoy what you eat and do. Just don't eat garbage and don't look at exercise as punishment.
2) Strength Training
A very, very recent study (published in the May issue of the Journal of Applied Physiology 102:1 767, 2007) showed that resistance training boosts metabolism by 10% and increases fat burning by 100%!
Boost Fat Burning 100% with strength and interval workouts.
3) Interval Training
The latest research from Australia showed a more weight loss from interval training than from long, slow cardio. In fact, the long, slow cardio group didn't lose any weight. AND - this study was done in yes, strength and intervals work for women.
Strength training and interval training are the 1-2 punch that blowtorch fat off your body.
4) Eat 6 Small Meals of Whole, Natural Foods
Fruits and vegetables, protein, nuts, and healthy fats. It's that simple. Don't spend another dollar on "the latest diet". You ALREADY KNOW what to do!
5) Avoid Booze, Sugar, Trans-Fats, & Inactivity
Yeah, I know, real "secrets" here, CB. "Thanks", you're thinking sarcastically. Listen, sometimes we just need the motivation. Maybe there is a donut within reach, or you're thinking about watching the tube instead of exercising, or you've got a cookie in one hand and an apple in the other.
Let this be a simple reminder to make the right choice.
Everything you do takes you closer to OR away from fat loss. Craig Ballantyne is a fitness expert and regular contributor to Men's Health and Women's Health magazines, and is on the advisory board for Oxygen Magazine. Craig's trademarked fat burning exercises, help people lose fat fast in the comfort of their own homes. Learn more at


5 Best Fat Burning Tips

Analysing The Different Methods For Your Depression Treatment

Analysing The Different Methods For Your Depression Treatment

Depression treatment from a medical professional will be contingent upon what the patient is willing to do in order to address their disorder. Depression affects millions of people globally, and because of this, several options for treatment are available.
Types of this illness treatment that are available include psychotherapies, medications, and certain herbal remedies.
One of the most prevalent forms of depression treatment used in today's society is medications. With all of the new drugs that are on the market today for depression, medical professionals have several to choose from in order to treat the various forms of depression.
Three main categories that these drugs fall into are tricyclics, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). There are far too many depressive medications on the market today to list individually, therefore the use of these categories are needed.
Another type of depression treatment that is causing the medical community to raise its eyebrows with concern is herbal therapies. One of the best known herbal therapies for this illness is St. John's Wort.
The National Institute of Health conducted a three year study on the effects of St. John's Wort and major depression. In the course of the study, over 350 people were given this herb for this illness treatment.
The treatment for this illness was found to not support its proclaimed use for major depression; however, the NIH is now looking at this popular herb for treatment of mild forms of depression. The results of that study are not readily available to the public as of yet.
One of the last and most effective forms of this illness treatment is psychotherapies. Psychotherapies are when individuals and medical professionals talk to help a patient "gain insight into and resolve their problems through verbal exchange with the therapist, sometimes combined with 'homework' assignments between sessions".
By talking, a person can unlearn a certain behavioral pattern that may have helped them become depressed in the first place.
Depression treatment is available for those who want to get better. No matter what type of treatment the depressed individual and their medical professional choose, options are varied.
Medications, herbal remedies, and psychotherapies are all available to help someone with a depressive disorder recover. As long as a person is willing, help is ready. A support system is critical when recovering from a depressive disorder.
Sometimes family and friends are the best medicine to help a person get better. Of course this all depends on how severe their disorder is. Anyone can recover from depression if the desire is there.
Discover more about the various methods of depression treatment from Mike Selvon educational portal. We appreciate your feedback at our depression blog.


Analysing The Different Methods For Your Depression Treatment