Saturday, 30 June 2007

Yoga is the Perfect Exercise

Yoga is the perfect exercise! Anyone can do it, it is easy to learn, requires no specialized equipment, and it is easy on your joints. Yoga combines stretching your muscles and improving your mental condition, along with working out your cardiovascular system. So if you are looking for the perfect exercise, yoga is it!
Just what is yoga? It is an ancient discipline, more than 3,000 years old from India. It is designed to bring your body, mind and spirit together. While the exercise is very popular, it is only one component of the whole. Yoga is also a meditation that calms the mind, improves concentration and relaxes the inner person. It is one of the best stress relievers available today.
You can practice yoga either by yourself, or with a group. Many gyms and YMCA’s have yoga classes. There are several different styles of yoga, ranging from the gentle, slow moving exercise to a very up tempo, aggressive style and everything in between.
Yoga practitioners assume the various poses and practice deep breathing exercises. This helps to clear the mind and the same time it exercises the body. By concentrating fully on the exercise and breathing, the troubles just seem to melt away. It is hard to worry about your stress and problems when you are deeply concentrating on your breathing.
Yoga also gets rid of your bodily toxins, by increasing the oxygen flow to the body through the breathing exercises. This will help the body heal itself along with increasing the immunity level against harmful disease.
Yoga is the perfect exercise, regardless of what your goal is; from losing weight, increasing your muscle strength, improving your flexibility, to eliminating your stress, yoga can help you achieve your goals.
As with any exercise program, it is always best to consult with your doctor before undertaking yoga. Don’t try and achieve the poses that your instructor is able to obtain on your first day. They have been practicing yoga for a long time, and their body is much more flexible than yours is. Start off slow and easy, you’ll get there with time. If you strain yourself in your first lesson, you’ll think that yoga is a bad exercise, when it really can help you.


Yoga is the Perfect Exercise

Friday, 29 June 2007

A Simple Guide To Getting A Ripped Chest

A Simple Guide To Getting A Ripped Chest
However long ago it was that you began working out, you must have had a certain muscle or muscle group that you decided to develop the most attention and dedication to. For a lot of people it was the chest (as well as abs). We would overtrain and work out to the extreme to try and accomplish the best chest possible. Even though all muscles are important, for men, other men see you by your arms and women see you by your chest and abs.
Throughout the duration of this article, you will be informed on the basics of how to accquire the perfect chest that you always dreamed of having.
What puts together your whole work out routine for your chest should be the flat press. Flat presses will help you work out your whole chest and likely will help build the mass the best out of all other exercises. Dumbbells are better then barbells for working out the chest as they offer a better range of motion for your training as well as working out each side of your chest individually if wished. You should use barbells occassionally still though. As well, the incline and decline bench presses are great. The incline bench works the top part of your chest and the decline bench works the lower part of your chest. A lot of people have developed their lower part of their chest already so your main focus should be the incline bench press. A personal suggestion is to do decline instead of incline press once every two weeks (replace incline with decline...).
Another good way for you to get your chests bigger is to do dips. Dips will let you move the weight from one side or the other if you have to make your chest look more even. Dips also work your whole pectoral region as well as help your shoulders and triceps. Dips basically do the same for the upper body as squats do for the lower, in a nutshell. You have to be sure that you go down far enough that you feel the stretch in your chest to assure the full burn is occuring. The lowest point of your rep is where your chest gets its work out from.
As well, there is another exercise referred to as the flies. Flies help you stretch your chest muscles and make them look even wider. Because it is an isolation exercise, it is a great way to end your chest work out on any given training day or to get the chest worked out already for presses.
You should see a personal trainer and create the best work out possible for you to get the perfect chest that you always wanted.
by Terry Bytheway
A Simple Guide To Getting A Ripped Chest

The Best Time For and Types of Post Workout Meals

The Best Time For and Types of Post Workout Meals
I am sure you have heard previously that your post-workout meal is actually the most important meal of your day (aside from breakfast of course).
I would have to agree with that assertion for the most part because refueling your body with the right combo of nutrients is so vastly important to repairing your muscles from the breakdown of a workout, and keeping your metabolic rate sky high.
From recent research on post-workout meals:
"A recent 12-week study says that those who failed to consume a post workout meal immediately after their workouts suffered a lower metabolism, loss of fat free mass, and had clear indications of muscle loss - while their counterparts (those who consumed a post workout recovery meal) significantly lost more fat, increased lean muscle, improved their metabolism, and increased dynamic strength."
I have noticed that many people are confused as to what actually makes a good post-workout meal. A couple common questions I receive about post workout meals:

1. Aren't post-workout meals only important for muscle building? Do they matter at all for fat loss goals?

2. Is it best to use one of the fancy post-workout drinks or shakes that you see in the magazines or is a whole food meal better? What's the best combo of carbs to protein to fat in a good post workout meal?

3. How soon after a workout is best to have my post workout meal?
1. Post-workout meals are actually important for BOTH muscle building and losing body fat!
Always remember that one of the most important considerations of long term body fat loss and maintaining a lean body for life is raising your overall metabolic rate by building and maintaining adequate lean muscle mass throughout your entire body.
By consuming a good post workout meal after every workout, you assist your body in repairing and building lean muscle throughout your whole body. The more lean muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate (even when resting)... hence, you lose fat easier and faster, and it is MUCH easier to stay lean in the long term.

2. Are whole foods or supplement shakes best? This can actually be done either way, but I am going to show you some guidelines why some post-workout shakes are better than others and some whole foods are better than others. Either way, it can work.
First, keep in mind that your goal throughout the majority of each day is eating small whole food meals frequently that digest slowly with high fiber and a controlled glycemic response (blood sugar). These normal daily meals should also contain healthy fats and slowly digested proteins to maintain a steady supply of amino acids.
When it comes to post-workout meals, you can just about use the exact opposite strategy of your normal meals. With post-workout meals, you actually want a faster digesting carb source to stimulate an insulin response. This helps to push nutrients and glycogen back into your muscle cells for repair. Remember, this is not just important for building muscle, but also for losing fat.
So while I always preach high fiber for most of your meals, with post-workout meals, you actually want lower fiber, higher GI carbohydrates, and quickly digesting protein as well to kick start muscle repair.
Another consideration to keep in mind... while I always preach healthy fats at most of your meals... with the post workout meal, you actually want almost all carbohydrates and protein, and very little fat. Fat in the post workout meal just slows the absorption and glycemic response which is not what you want at this key time.
What about the best ratios of carbohydrates and protein?
I have reviewed dozens of studies on this subject and most seem to agree that a ratio of approx 2 to 1 carbs to protein is optimal. This seems to be the best combo to maximize muscle repair to boost that metabolic rate for long term body fat loss.
I usually make my post-workout shakes using a frozen banana, whey protein, water, and some real maple syrup (not the cheap high fructose corn syrup based maple syrups at most stores) and aim for about a 2:1 ratio of carbohydrates to protein in the shake.
If you want to make things a little simpler, one of the best post-workout shakes that I've found that is already mixed in a 2:1 carb:protein ratio is Prograde's Varsity Post-Workout mix. You can find it at the bottom of this page.

3. How soon should you eat (or drink) your post-workout meal once your done working out?
As soon as you can after your workout (the sooner the better)!
Studies have shown that the sooner you consume your post workout meal following your intense workout, the better your muscle recovery will be, and a higher quantity of the carbohydrates ingested will be used for muscle glycogen replenishment instead of other uses.
The first thing I do when I get back from the gym is make my post workout shake, and this is about 10 min after finishing my workout. Below is one of the best post workout shakes already formulated in a 2:1 carbohydrate:protein ratio. See the details at
The Best Time For and Types of Post Workout Meals

Get Sexy Hot Abs Fast!

Get Sexy Hot Abs Fast
When it comes to exercises for hot abs, crunches may be the first thing to pop in your mind. In fact, some aspirers of great hot abs would only do crunches. However, there are five major abdominal muscles that need attention, and crunches do not exercise all of these abs muscles. In fact, the ideal exercise routine for hot 6 pack abs does not only involve the abdominal muscles. Cardiovascular and strength exercises should be part of the routine as well.
Work that Body!
To get ripped hot abs, ensure that the following are incorporated in your exercise routine:
1) Work all abdominal muscles. Crunches are classic, but your specific abdominal exercises should not be limited to these only. Examples of exercises that involve other abdominal parts are the following: • Lying bicycle. From a lying position, bend your right leg at the knee while pulling your right thigh up at the hip. Curl your spine up to the right, letting your left elbow touch your right knee. Do the same routine from your other side, from the left leg. • Standing towel circle. Stand up straight and hold a small towel (or resistance band) taut above your head. Contract abs and slowly whirl a large, wide circle over your head and around your torso with your hands. • Seated jackknife: From a supine lying position, stretch your legs and arms and keep a pad or a form of support under the hips. Pull your legs back with knees bent. All together, bring your head, shoulders and arms forward to jackknife position pivoting on the buttocks. Hold the contraction.
2) Cardio is the way to go. Walking, running, jogging, swimming, and aerobics are good examples. Cardio burns calories and thus sheds the fat that hides your hot abs.
Belly dancing, particularly for women, is especially a good combination of cardiovascular and abs exercise. Not only can it tone the tummy and make it sexy, it is also fun!
3) Lift those weights. Building muscle through weightlifting is essential to get that great, fast abs as increased muscle mass means a faster and higher rate of burning calories.
Mind and Body Connection
If you do not believe that you can have that sexy abs, you are slowing or cutting down the results of your workout program. Imagine yourself with that hot abs and believe it. A good visualization exercise would be to imagine seeing yourself in the mirror – only you are seeing a sexier you with the exact kind of abs you have always dreamed of. Then, allow yourself to enter the mirror and merge with that image. Note how you feel. After getting in touch with all sensations, step out of the mirror and push it away.
Yoga can also improve your concentration and will power to stick with your routine. Meditation and daily affirmation can generally increase your results.
Follow these tips to get your desired washboard abs, complement it with a healthy abs diet, and watch the results. With these tips, you will soon be flaunting your hot abs with confidence!

Get Sexy Hot Abs Fast!

Monday, 25 June 2007

Best Home Exercise Equipment - How Can You Know?

Best Home Exercise Equipment - How Can You Know?
When it comes to fitness and exercise equipment, one of the most common questions you often hear is, "What is the best home exercise equipment?" It's easy to understand with so many different choices being available to us. This article will help you with an overview of the more common equipment options.
Before you get started searching for home exercise equipment you may want to consider a couple of important points first.
1. What is your budget for home fitness equipment?
2. What is your current fitness level and what do you want to accomplish in the future?
Why are these questions important? Well, your budget is for obvious reasons, but enjoying the home exercise equipment is very important as well. For example, let's say you are in good shape now and want to add additional muscle mass. You wouldn't want an elliptical trainer for that. A Bowflex system would be a better choice.
With that in mind, let's take a quick look at some of your options.
A treadmill is one of the most popular and best home exercise equipment options around. It's ideal for cardio as well as weight loss and comes in all price ranges. You can also find some great deals on used treadmills as well. Be sure any treadmill has a wide belt, an incline setting, and a good warranty.
Elliptical Trainers
The elliptical trainer is fast approaching and in many cases, surpassing the popularity of treadmills. With their low-impact workout routines it's easy to see why.
You control the intensity level and can easily adjust the levels of resistance. Like treadmills, elliptical trainers vary in price. Look for a good machine with a warranty.
Stationary Bike
Though this home exercise equipment option is not as popular as it once was, it is still a good choice.
You can find high end stationary bikes with built-in cooling fans as well as state of the art riding programs with video screens. It's like you are a part of the Tour De France.
If you want something for cardio work, a step machine may be your best home exercise equipment option. They are also great for your lower body.
Bowflex Home Gym
If building muscle mass is what you desire then you can't go wrong with a Bowflex machine. You can several different models that all offer superior resistance training and muscle building. There are also some excellent deals to be found on used Bowflex equipment as well.
Free Weights
The oldest form of home fitness and exercise there is. Free weights are an inexpensive home fitness option that will quickly build muscle mass and get you in shape. For many people, free weights and a weight bench are the single best home exercise equipment option.
Regardless of which type of exercise equipment you choose, the key to getting any kind of results will always be in using it on a regular basis. By choosing the equipment that is in your budget and that you truly enjoy using, you will get the results you're seeking and have some fun at the same time.
Best Home Exercise Equipment - How Can You Know?

6 Weight Gain Tips Without Getting Fat

6 Weight Gain Tips Without Getting Fat
After you read this short article, you will have leaned some quick tips to start gaining healthy weight.

Here's 6 simple ways on how to gain weight without getting fat:

Tip 1: Eating Enough Quality CaloriesHave you ever asked somebody who's trying to gain weight what they eat?I did. And the response I received was shocking."I just eat."That's what he said. I just eat.You MUST know how many calories a day you need for your weight gain goal.This person desperately wanted to gain weight and every time I saw him the gym he had some excuse as to why it wasn't going his way. And it was usually related to his metabolism.Let me tell you...If you want to gain quality weight, you have to eat high quality dense foods and ENOUGH of them. Furthermore... if you want to gain weight without getting fat, then you bulk with the same principles as if you were on a cutting diet. Choose higher-calorie foods when given a choice.In my years of experience, when I bulked up and gained weight and fat, the biggest mistake I made was not tracking what I ate. I always tracked my diet when I was on a calorie restricted phase (that was a given) but when I wanted to gain weight I just ate everything I could.Have you ever felt that way?In order to gain weight, you need to eat more than your usual maintenance calorie intake but not so much as to just store the excess calories and get fat. And you need to eat consistently.That should have been your "ah -ha" moment.Gaining weight isn't your cue to eat everything under the sun. In order to gain weight, lean mass and not get fat, you need to eat just over what you body needs to maintain. In this manner, you'll provide your body with all the calories it needs to build muscle but you won't give it so much as it stores the excess as fat.[ Remember that anything in excess, even protein, can be stored as fat. ]The key is to gain healthy weight and minimize the fat gains.

Tip 2: Grocery Shopping 101If you are looking to gain weight, then don't have bare cupboards. Go to your kitchen right now after reading this section and take a look at what you've got in stock.Make sure your kitchen is fully stocked with the foods you need to eat. Dense foods work wonders for putting on the weight.Examples are whole-grain breads, vegetables such as avocados and potatoes, kidney beans, lean red meat, poultry and fish.Bare cupboards = no weight gain!Bodybuilding doesn't have to break the bank. Many times you can get bulk items for much cheaper than you think. Packages of tuna, turkey, chicken legs, pasta all are great bulking items that don't cost a ton of money.Perishable items like fruits and sugary laden items and condiments are usually things that cost the most.

Tip 3: Meal Planning for DummiesPart of performance nutrition is eating 5-6 times a day. Every 2-3 hours you should be consuming a meal consisting of a lean protein, fibrous/starchy carb and potentially a healthy fat.If you really want to gain weight, you need to eat 5-6 times a day! And it needs to be consistent. This means no skipping meals.Eating 3 times a day full of bacon and eggs might have worked for some of the past legends but it probably won't do you any good.Keeping your metabolism high and your system flushed with nitrogen (protein) will ensure you keep all the muscle you are working to build and that you are consuming slight excess calories for weight gain.If you eat a big dinner but skip snacks and have light breakfasts, that is part of the problem. Healthy weight gain only comes from people who are consistent in their eating and don't skip meals.Failure to plan your meals ultimately means you won't be eating enough to gain weight.

Tip 4: Nutrient Variety is KeyIt happens to the best of us... We get used to eating certain foods and we don't budge. For a bulking diet, this can be a killer as it drastically limits the number of calories you can eat. Plus, you will limit the nutrients and vitamins you will be able to intake. Both are essential to maximum healthy weight gain.Did anybody ever tell you that nutrients are essential for growth?

Tip 5: Essential Meal TimingWhile it might be socially acceptable to eat just 3 times a day, that is not acceptable for those who are serious about putting on lean muscle mass without putting on fat.You've heard all the benefits of performance nutrition and eating 5-6 times a day but re-read this...Quality muscle gain without putting on fat requires a high metabolism AND an excess number of calories.In order to do just that, you need to eat frequently.That means 5-6 times a day (or more).

Tip 6: Eat, Eat and Eat [ did I mention eat ]Don't feel hungry?Eat. Now in most cases, that is against the current movement but in reality, if you want to put on quality mass you have to eat regardless of your hunger levels. Eating based on your mood is not the path to healthy weight gain.Countless people tell me they cannot eat like a 200 lb bodybuilder.That's because they are not a 200 lb bodybuilder.Once they eat more, gain muscle mass, they will be and it will seem like nothing to eat like a 200 lb bodybuilder.This doesn't mean stuffing yourself, gorging on food or getting sick. It means eating more and more gradually over time in order to prime your body for more frequent meal times. Slowly start adding more food to your portions until you've nailed your perfect weight gain calorie needs.As you eat more and small but frequent meals, you won't feel stuff and your body will become more efficient at digesting and breaking down foods.All this means to you is...A higher metabolic rate and more calories!The two essential keys to putting on weight without the fat.

:: Additional Tips ::* Drink plenty of water. With your additional meals and workouts, you'll want to ensure you are properly hydrated.* Engage in a weight training program. Building muscle is a priority during your bulking phase. Since you will have plenty of energy from your carb sources, you should be fueled and primed to get some of the best and most intense workouts of your life. Now is an opportune time to build muscle.* Limit your cardio workouts. Cardio workouts are a tool. Use it sparingly depending on your metabolism. If you feel like you aren't putting on weight, reduce the amount of cardio you are doing. If you feel like you are putting on a bit too much fat, increase the cardio.

* Take weekly weight and body fat measurements. By taking a weekly measurement, you can see if the weight you are putting on is fat or muscle.
6 Weight Gain Tips Without Getting Fat

Newbie's guide to developing strength and size in bodybuilding

Newbie's guide to developing strength and size in bodybuilding
Most neophytes don't know how to get started in bodybuilding they spend many years doing the wrong things before they learn what exactly the right things are. In this article I will address one of the mistakes the newbie's make and give a simple antidote to the problem of developing strength and size as a bodybuilder.I think before we go any further its important to understand that strength training for a bodybuilder is not the same as for other athletes. A bodybuilder must develop strength while building muscle size, shape and endurance, and on many occasions these goals are exclusive of each other. So let's start this discussion with how to choose the correct weight.What does your trainer mean when he says light weight or moderate or heavy? How do you know by the weight what rep count you should use? I try to simplify this all too confusing problem in just a few lines.Everyone get confused about what is heavy weight, what is moderate weight and what is light weight. I will try clear this up for you right now. Heavy weight is any amount that is so heavy that on your first set you can only complete 6 to 8 reps. I think it goes to reason that on your second and third set you will not be able to complete as many.Moderate weight is any amount that is so heavy that on your first set you can only complete 8- 12 reps. Of course less on the following sets Light weight is any amount that is so heavy that on your first set you can only complete 15-25 repsNow there is one more thing that I want to address that is strength. understand this, just because you are getting bigger does not mean you are getting stronger; however, if you are getting stronger you are getting bigger even if you can't see the size increase! Finally, train to get stronger, but not for strength, if you understand the principles of the Progressive Resistance System this will make more senseThe four days per week workout The four days per week is called a split routine, because the body is split into four sections Unlike a lot of trainers I think there is a relationship between growth and total amount of sets completed in a week's time. On the three day routine you had 9 set for chest, back and quads, and six set for shoulders. In this routine the weekly sets will range between 12 and 16 per body part.In no way do I advocate the High Intensity Training (HIT) methods that you'll find in all over the internet. I don't deny how well it works; I just feel much of the injury throughout my career has come as a result of working out with too much intensity. Age and wisdom has taught me to the never to even advocate the negative or forced reps for any reason I personally call them injury reps! But let move on to what I think will work.
Some important things to understand about this routine
1. Workouts are never longer than 1 hour! Never!
2. Dips are done with no weight, except "bench dips" if you have a partner
3. "Max" represents the most you can do correctly( never do forced reps)
4. Unless I specify dumbbells, use only barbell
5. shoulder press are done to the front of the chest not behind the neck See article my article on shoulder injuries
6. Lat pull downs are done at shoulder width never wider and only to the front of the chest.
7. Seated row are done either on a seated row machine or on seated on a low cable row machine. If doing them on a low cable row machine lean forward only enough to full extend your arms keep lower back arched. Never let the shoulders roll forward for that "extra stretch"
8. Barbell curls are done in smoothly never jerky or fast.
9. Leg press are done with full range of motion your calf should touch your hamstring at the stretched position.
10. Leg curls should be contracted until heel touches you butt.
11. Seated calf raises this exercise is harder than it appears. Calf should get a full stretch at the bottom of the movement, and completely contracted at the top.
12. Warm up and cool down with about 10 t 15 minutes of stationary bike or ski machine ( I only do low or no impact aerobics, never run, never stairs,)
13. Stretch only after you have completed the workout and only for the muscles worked that day.

Workout 1 Monday

Dips 4 set of 8-12 reps Bench press 4 set of 8-12 reps Dumbbell Shoulder Press 4 set of 8-12 reps Shoulder Shrugs 4 set of 8-12 reps

Workout 2 Tuesday

Pull Ups 4sets of 6-8 Reps Lat pull downs 4 sets of 8-12 reps Seated Rows 4 sets of 8-12 reps Seated Calf Raises 4 sets of 15-25 reps

Workout 3 Thursday (after one day rest)

Hack Squats 4 sets of 15-25 reps Leg Press 4sets of 15-25 reps Leg Curls 4 sets of 8-12 reps Standing Calf Raises 4 sets of 15-25 reps

Workout 4 Friday

Barbell Curls 3 sets of 8-12 reps Dumbbell Curls 3 sets of 8-12 reps Bench Dips 4 sets of 8-12 Reps Close Grip Bench Press 4 sets of 8-12 reps

by Troy Pearsall
Newbie's guide to developing strength and size in bodybuilding

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

The Benefits Of Using A Personal Trainer

The Benefits Of Using A Personal Trainer
Trimming down and maintaining your ideal weight can be hideously difficult. From eating the right food to choosing the right exercise and everything in between, one may invariably forget one pertinent detail or make a mistake regarding their diet and end up 10 pounds overweight or with bulging biceps when all you really wanted was to tone your muscles.
While the fee that a personal trainer may charge may make your knees bulk, wait till you read and learn about the benefits of hiring one.
Accurate Fitness Evaluation. Let's face it; a lot of us tend to over- or under-estimate our physical abilities and therefore end up with strained muscles and joints (which can lead to health problems) or a lax exercise regime (which lengthens the time enabling us to reach our fitness goals). However, with a personal trainer, your physical fitness will be accurately evaluated and you can be quite sure that whatever fitness program you end up with is the ideal one for you.
Motivation. It really is easier to exercise with someone around and a personal trainer is just the right person to have on your side if you have a fitness goal you're sweating to attain. A personal trainer will know exactly when he has to act as a tough general, a great source of encouragement and inspiration or simply as a friend to talk to and listen to your personal health woes.
Customized Fitness Program. Contrary to popular opinion, there's no such thing as an exercise or diet program that fits all. In short, what may work for others may not work for you and what may take others weeks to achieve may mean one year's worth of effort in your part. But how will you be able to determine what fitness program is best for you unless you consult an expert?
Safety.A lot of accidents can happen during unsupervised exercises so having a personal trainer will ensure that you are using health club equipment the right way. Not only does this prevent serious physical injuries, it ensures that you get the most out of your exercise routines.
The Need for Change. Perhaps one of the things that hits even the most health-conscious individual is boredom! Sometimes, all that one needs is a little change in one's exercise routine and with a personal trainer beside you, he or she can can come up with different exercise programs, all geared towards keeping you active and interested in going to the gym.
What to Look for in a Personal Trainer
So are you convinced now that a personal trainer is what you have been needing all this time? If so, following are some of the items you should look for in a personal trainer.
*Education. Remember, you are relying on this individual to guide you in your fitness goals. As such, it is important that he or she is certified by reputable fitness organization such as ACSM or NSCA.
*Experience. It builds one's trust and confidence if you know that your personal trainer has had vast experience so be sure you know his or her credentials. Also, keep in mind YOUR fitness targets. For instance, if you are a bodybuilder, get a personal trainer who specializes in bodybuilding.
*Personality. A great personal trainer is one who is dedicated to your fitness objectives. As such, he or she should be attentive to your needs, be a good listener and one who constantly keeps track of your progress or failures.

by Brad Howard
The Benefits Of Using A Personal Trainer

Monday, 18 June 2007

Simple Advice For Building Huge Biceps

Having huge biceps is a very important thing to most men. Think about it for a minute. When someone ask to see your muscle, what is the first thing that you do. You roll up that sleeve, curl your arms, and try to make that huge lump in the center as big as possible. Who wouldn't want guns that would make men envious every time they saw them. In this article, I want to outline some key factors that you must remember when it comes to your biceps. Once you keep these factors in mind, you will be on your way to having biceps as big as boulders.
It's All About The Pump
Whenever you are doing any arm workout, you must remember this one thing, "its all about the pump." If you don't know what I mean, let me explain. Whenever you do any type of exercise, blood rushes straight to the area of the muscle that you are working. Have you ever noticed how huge certain muscles get after an exercise, but then a couple of hours later it goes back to normal, this is what I call the pump. To get the huge biceps, that you want, aim for that on every single one of your bicep workouts. The pump is what causes your biceps to grow big. If you are not getting this when you are training your arms, then you want be looking at huge biceps any time soon.
Don't Go Too Heavy
This is a huge problem for a lot of ego driven, bodybuilder wannabes. They go inside the gym and try to find the heaviest weight they can, and they strain all of the way trying to lift it. In the meantime, they are not getting an effective workout. Listen to me, If you want huge biceps, don't curl too heavy. Here's the reason why. Whenever you are lifting too much weight all of your energy will be focused on trying to get your arm to push that weight up rather than concentrating on working out that targeted area - the biceps. Remember what I said earlier, its all about the pump. If you are curling too heavy, you will most definitely not get that pump. You should only go up on your weight when you feel like the weight is starting to get light to you. This is how you know if you are curling to heavy. If you have to rock back and forth just to get the dumb bell up for a full rep, that's when you need to go down on your pounds. All your movements should be steady and controlled.
Stay Away From The Machines
The final peace of advice that I want to give you concerning building huge biceps is for you to focus on just using free weights. This includes dumbbells barbells, and any machine that uses weight plates. This is the best way to get those biceps really round and full. Most machines are just for toning purposes only. That's why you never really see most bodybuilders on them. If you must use machines, always do it at the very last of your bicep workout.
There you have it. My simple advice for building huge biceps. If you keep these three tips in mind while training, you will see your arms grow by leaps and bounds.
by Nation Richardson
Simple Advice For Building Huge Biceps

Building A Great Physique With Bodybuilding Supplements

Building A Great Physique With Bodybuilding Supplements
People who workout and want to increase muscle mass in a short period of time often turn to bodybuilding supplements. With them, you can burn fat quicker and make room for more muscle mass on your body for a tone and muscular appearance.
Unfortunately, many people use them as a shortcut and fail to workout in addition to using supplements. The perfect combination for maximum results is weightlifting, good nutrition, and the proper vitamins and minerals necessary for good health. They can then be used as an extra aid to help you build muscle safely and naturally.
Whey protein is one of the most basic bodybuilding supplements that any bodybuilder has in their daily routine. It is one of the main ingredients in other effective supplements but you can also purchase it separately. Weightlifters and athletes use whey protein because it is effective in building lean muscle while helping to increase your energy level.
It also aids in burning fat from your body which, in turn, results in increased muscle definition. Bodybuilders also use whey protein because it helps their muscles recover quicker after a strenuous workout. You can add whey protein to your post-workout shake or you can also get it in capsule form.
Creatine is possibly the most talked about bodybuilding supplement lately because of its controversial nature. Creatine has drawn fire from many in the sports industry because it is a type of steroid if used incorrectly. It is available as an addition to your regimen, but your body also produces Creatine naturally.
As a bodily chemical, it helps to supply energy to your muscle cells in order to help them grow at a faster rate. Even though you can increase your level of Creatine by eating certain meats and fish, it is also available as a popular supplement that you can buy at your local vitamin store. In such a form, it helps you to form a larger amount of muscle mass in less time.
Bodybuilding helps you build muscle by increasing your testosterone level. Since this hormone causes your body to create muscle mass and burn fat, many bodybuilding supplements include boosters to increase your testosterone level.
It also helps to send testosterone directly to your bloodstream rather than through the normal biological process. Although many of them include this type of substance in their ingredients, you can also get one that only boosts your testosterone and does nothing else.
Bodybuilding supplements can have harmful effects if they are abused. Using bodybuilding supplements for what they are intended for is the ideal way to help you build a body you can be proud of. Before purchasing any supplements, do research and find out the best ones that will help you reach your goals as well as the ones with negative side effects.
Talk with experts and personal trainers to be sure you are combining the right bodybuilding supplements to provide the maximum muscle building benefits for your body.
by Mike Selvon
Building A Great Physique With Bodybuilding Supplements

Friday, 15 June 2007

Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

Various tests conducted in the US and other countries prove that there are several effective natural herbs and supplements that may help lower LDL and raise HDL or "good" cholesterol. Since the causes of high cholesterol levels are wide and varied by person to person, having different methods to lower LDL is very important. Natural remedies such as Guggul, Pantethine, Policosanol, Curcumin, and Beta-Sitosterol are just a few supplements that are easily available at low cost compared to prescribed drugs.
Guggul - Guggul, the gum resin from the mukul myrrh tree, when compared to the drug clofibrate in clinical trials, the average fall in serum cholesterol was slightly greater in the guggul group. While clofibrate did not increase HDL levels, a 60% rise in HDL levels was noticed in people responding to guggul.
Patients who had been given Policosanol for a period of twelve weeks showed a 25% reduction in LDL cholesterol, a 17% reduction in total cholesterol, and a 28% increase in HDL cholesterol.
Niacin or vitamin B3 is the most common treatment for normalizing the blood lipid levels. From various trials conducted consumption of the drug niacin increased HDL (good cholesterol) by 30% or more while reducing total cholesterol by 10-25% and triglycerides by as much as 50%. Flushing is a very common side effect in people taking niacin. Flushing is the result of blood vessels opening wide. Another form of Niacin called Inositol Hexanicotinate (IH) or "No-Flush Niacin" is proven as an effective and safer alternative to niacin
500 mg of circumin for seven days at a trial shows a 29% increase in good cholesterol (HDL) and a reduction of 11.6% total cholesterol. Lipid peroxidation was also reduced by 33%. Curcumin was effective in inhibiting LDL oxidation and lowering LDL cholesterol as well as triglycerides Latest research says, curcumin reduce cholesterol by interfering with intestinal cholesterol uptake, increasing the conversion of cholesterol into bile acids, and increasing the excretion of bile acids.
Chromium - Polynicotinium
Chromium supplements increased HDL cholesterol levels by an average of nearly 6 points, a 16 percent increase. No side effects were observed. According to Harvey Simon, MD of Harvard Medical School, a 6-point increase in HDL, which was achieved in the chromium trial, should reduce the risk of heart attack by about 20 percent.
Calcium Citrate
In randomized controlled trial calcium citrate was shown to increase HDL levels. The study showed that 1 gram of calcium (as the citrate) taken daily lowers the damaging component of blood cholesterol and increases the protective cholesterol (HDL). The mean HDL concentration increased by 7%, LDL cholesterol declined by 6% resulting in an improved HDL/LDL ratio of 17%.

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Treadmill Buying: How To Read Treadmill Reviews And Compare Treadmills?

Any number of treadmill comparisons can be found on the Internet and elsewhere, but none of them can really be of much help if you wish to depend upon them to pick your next treadmill or the first one. For, you have to depend upon your own comparison to ensure that you get a machine that is best suited to your purpose and does not compel you to expand your budget even a small bit.
By saying this, I do not intend that there are no good treadmill reviews or consumer reports available. There certain are, but you still have to make your own comparisons because your requirements are your own and it is only you who could decide whether or not a treadmill can be a part of the health scheme you have designed for yourself.
The first thing that needs to be considered is the motor of the treadmill. A treadmill is as good as its motor. This is the heart of the treadmill and also its soul. Consider it very carefully because it is not only the most important part but also the most expensive part of a treadmill.
You need to compare the size and quality of the motor in a treadmill. Once you are satisfied with it, compare the power it could generate. Find out how much of horsepower could the motor supply at peak duty as well as at continuous duty. Peak duty means the maximum power generated by the machine for a short duration of time while continuous horsepower means the amount of power the machine can consistently manage.
While buying a treadmill you should consider the continuous duty instead of the peak duty. If you want to use the machine for running, it is around 2.0 HP to 2.5 HP of continuous duty that you would need. But if you just want to have walk, around 1.0 HP to 1.5 HP should be sufficient.
After the motor, it is the speed that you must consider. A speed of around 10 miles per hour is enough for seasoned athletes. Running surface is also an important aspect of a treadmill, and you decide on this according to your height and overall physical structure. Do not compromise on the running surface because nothing is more bothersome than “not having enough space to run.”
Also consider the incline facility in a treadmill. This feature is there to make your walk or run harder by elevating the surface because one cannot run faster than a certain speed. The only way out is to elevate the surface. Consider how smoothly the elevation of the surface takes place. Most of the machines that come with this facility provide ample incline.
Last comes, the control panel. Now, this part can provide you the feedback regarding the number of calories burnt; the speed at which you ran and the distance you covered. These are not indispensable part of the machine and should be given at least the little importance. A carefully purchased treadmill would be a part of your exercise regimen for a very long time. So, make a wise decision after considering all the aspects.


Magnetic rowing machine as fitness equipment

Rowing has been thought to be one of the most fruitful exercises among fitness exercises. It has been considered as an excellent kind of exercise to improve the cardiovascular fitness. Mostly, the aerobic exercising equipments work for the lower half of the body. But the rowing machine lets you use the whole of your body; the benefit of the exercise is felt in less time as compared to exercising on other equipments. As the exercise is done of the full body so 30 minutes workout rowing machines is equivalent to 45 minutes session on an exercise bike.
It is a good workout for your entire body as it incorporates your arms, torso and legs; it is not only a great workout for your heart but also good for toning your stomach, thighs and arms. The magnetic rowing machines are packed with a multiple kind of features and technology which makes this machine one of the most hi tech rowing machines giving you multiple benefits. Most of the magnetic rowing machines have the feature of wireless heart rate monitor in which you can seethe heart rate on the monitor.
A silent magnetic brake that is commonly found in most of the models; guarantee a wide effort range with natural and continuous rowing motion. It also has the benefit of providing a natural, smooth and continuous resistance to your row. The machine is very simple to use as you just need to wear the chest belt supplied with the unit for pulse management with ECG precision permits full control over the pulse rate during exercising.
The magnetic fly wheel ensures a smooth, quiet and natural rowing action, making it ideal for a home cardiovascular workout, whilst still toning arms, back, shoulders and abdominal muscles. The easy to read LCD console displays; Calories, Strokes per min, scan Function, Stroke Count, and Time. Offering the privilege to fold this rowing machine can be folded when not in use to facilitate movement and storage, helping you to make the most the most of your indoor space.

Monday, 11 June 2007

Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera Juice

The health benefits of aloe vera juice have long been known. It has been used historically as a soothing balm, applied externally for cuts, scrapes and burns. Modern uses of aloe vera are extensive.
The health benefits of aloe vera taken internally include: improved circulation, regulation of blood pressure, promotes healing of bones and joints, strengthens the immune system, defends the body against bacteria, heals internal tissue damage, heals ulcers, improves and even eliminates constipation, blood sugar regulation, and reduces itchiness in psoriasis helping it to heal.
Drinking two to four ounces a day is all that is required to gain the many benefits of aloe vera juice. If you drink it daily, aloe vera can aid your digestion, improve your circulation and detoxify your body and cleanse your colon.
The detoxification properties of aloe vera juice also act to detoxify your blood stream. If you have intestinal or stomach problems it can help your digestive tract to work smoothly.
Aloe vera also helps to dilate the capillaries and support cell growth, thereby improving circulation.
One of the most important health benefits of aloe vera juice is its operation as an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent, helping to prevent the onset of disease in the body. Thus, taking aloe vera juice daily helps to maintain good health and provide a sense of wellbeing and energy.
Aloe Vera Juice And Weight Loss
One of the most valuable health benefits for today’s society is aloe vera's ability to assist weight loss. Aloe vera works to both reduce and stabilize the body mass index by stimulating the metabolic rate in our liver cells so that we burn more energy.
The energy used for this comes from fat and carbohydrate stores in the body. Drinking aloe vera juice every day has been likened to doing multiple workouts throughout the week.
Another reason why aloe vera works well as a weightloss supplement, is because it has a high content of collagen protein. When you drink aloe vera juice every day, the body has to spend additional energy to assimilate its protein into your system.
This extra expenditure of energy also supports weight loss and muscle development. Aloe vera reduces the amount of time food stays in your intestine, which means that less energy is absorbed from the food.
Throughout history aloe vera has been associated with achieving healthy body weight and it has been known as “the dietary plant” and “the harmony remedy.”
Aloe Vera Juice And Detoxification
Detoxification is another of the health benefits of aloe vera juice. Carrisyn, an extract of aloe vera, has been shown to stimulate the production of infection-fighting blood cells and in so doing strengthen the immune system.
Aloe vera juice contains amino acids, methionine, serine threonine and molybdenum, which work together to detoxify heavy metals and additionally aid in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fat and protein. This action prevents a build up of fat in the liver and the arteries.
These detoxification and laxative qualities of aloe vera juice, improve the efficiency of the colon, which is extremely important for good health. Poor colon health results in the re-absorption of toxins into the human body resulting in low energy and un-wellness.
Aloe vera juice contains nineteen amino acids, twenty minerals and twelve vitamins and as such is an excellent, natural nutritional supplement.
Any Side Effects Of Aloe Vera Juice?
Yet, aloe vera is not without possible side effects. Reported side effects include allergic reactions, liver dysfunction, nausea, dermatitis and strangely colored urine.
However, these side effects are rare and may well be the result of drinking too much of the juice. It is unwise to drink aloe vera juice as if it were orange juice. If you stay to the recommended dose, you should be fine.
Nevertheless, it is important to pay attention to any side effects and stop drinking the juice if you detect a reaction. Aloe vera juice is not a magic potion or a cure-all.
Indications that you should avoid aloe vera are if you are pregnant or breast feeding, have kidney or heart disease, or are allergic to garlic or onions. It is also inadvisable to give aloe vera juice to children as they can experience toxic reactions.


Friday, 8 June 2007

How To Get A Six Pack

So you want to have outstanding abs. And you want to know how to get a six pack.
You're really concerned with finding the absolute best workouts which will result in both a flat stomach and hard abs.
Since you want to know how to get a six pack, you need to understand that the majority of ab workouts are not effective at getting rid of belly fat. Most of us have at least some excess fat in the region of our abdominals. However, most of us do not have a good understanding of the best way to get rid of that extra stomach fat.
Most people look for a fast and easy way to exercise their abs to quickly get rid of belly fat ... like some type of miracle cure. As a result, many people are looking for exercises and workouts which are actually not effective for losing their belly fat.
You must realize that workouts which specifically target your abs do not get rid of unwanted belly fat. The ab exercises simply tone and strengthen your abdominal muscles which lie beneath your belly fat. In order to get rid of belly fat you must focus your regular workouts on increasing your metabolic rate. A strenuous full body workout will result in greater burning of fat. That's the beginning of how to get a six pack.
You also need to realize that strenuous full body cardiovascular workouts by themselves are not the best answer to getting rid of belly fat. You must adopt a whole body training program that incorporates high intensity resistance training.
Anyone who wants to know how to get a six pack must understand that high intensity resistance training along with a balanced diet full of healthy nutrients consumed on a regular basis is the real key to losing the belly fat that covers the abs. Even though ab exercises such as crunches and leg raises are an excellent start to how to get a six pack, you must also focus on getting rid of the belly fat that covers your abs. You'll want to get rid of your belly fat so you can see that great six pack.
Of course, ab-specific exercises are certainly beneficial when mixed into your regular workout routine. Ab-specific exercises will help to tone and strengthen your abs. They also help to create a more healthy back and to improve posture when done correctly. Just remember that ab exercises are not particularly effective in getting rid of belly fat.
A balanced diet full of healthy nutrients consumed on a regular basis and appropriate high intensity resistance training are your keys to success.
Many people struggle with stubborn body fat, an expanding waistline, or low back pain, and they're frustrated with the amount of conflicting and confusing information about ab training and fat loss. These people are looking for the fastest way to flatten their stomachs, sculpt their six packs and melt away body fat. Golfers and other athletes are looking for step by step plans that can produce results without sit ups, endless crunches, or worthless infomercial junk.


Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Whats Wrong With Your Bodybuilding Techniques? Check This Out

Bodybuilding (the art of displaying the muscles) did not really exist prior to the late 19th century, when it was promoted by a man from Prussia named Eugen Sandow,[1] who is now generally referred to as "The Father of Modern Bodybuilding". Bodybuilding Is The Solution To Taking Control Of How Your Body LooksAs I get ready for my next bodybuilding competition, I have been spending alot of time (two 45-minute sessions of cardiovascular exercise to be exact) watching television. My powerful bodybuilding techniques allow me to do that. Bodybuilding is the act of putting on muscle by working out and shaping one's diet to put on more muscle mass. Bodybuilding may be done for recreation, for personal betterment or as a competitive sport. Training Training at a high intensity too frequently also stimulates the central nervous system (CNS) and can result in a hyper-adrenergic state that interferes with sleep patterns. Training intensity and volume should be in line with what the kid can cope with easily and safely. Training natural has so many benefits it would take to many words to put in this article. Training intensity doesn't mean jack if you can't consistently keep it up. Training tips from many of the greatest strength experts around the world, plus a glossary of exercises to fit everyones needs are available at the RIPPED Weight Training website. This was accomplished by improved bodybuilding techniques, better nutrition and more effective equipment. Muscle Muscles need time to heal, once a week for directly hitting a muscle is fine. Muscles grow when muscle fibers are damaged and repair themselves following a workout. Muscles is a movement, it is our life. Muscles are the 'slaves' of the CNS, and when the CNS calls for a movement, it never calls in individual muscles separately. Muscle recovery can only happen in the presence of ample amino acids and the only source for amino acids is dietary protein. Muscles, tendons and ligaments tend to shorten over a period of time, which limits our range of motion and renders us more liable to injury when sudden stresses are placed on these structures. Muscle has one simple function -- it contracts. Muscle takes work, time, and dedication, more than most people are willing to devote. Muscle & Fitness becomes the official journal of the IFBB. The muscles are revealed through a combination of fat loss, oils, and tanning (or tanning lotions) which combined with lighting make the definition of the muscle fibres more distinct. Fat Fat is irrelevant for bodybuilders, although cholesterol is essential in the production of testosterone so make sure to eat as many animals as you can. Fats, sugars, anything you can shove down your throat. Fat can only be lost with a caloric deficit from a reduction in food intake, an increase in activity or ideally, a combination of both. Fat cells in the body elevate estrogen which can reduce your testosterone levels. Bodybuilders Bodybuilders such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lee Priest and Jay Cutler all started competing when they were teenagers. Bodybuilders seek out low-glycemic polysaccharides and other slowly-digesting carbohydrates, which release energy in a more stable fashion than high-glycemic sugars and starches. Bodybuilders usually require higher quality protein with a high BV rather than relying on protein such as soy, which is often avoided due to its estrogenic properties. This develops good bodybuilding technique and rituals. Bodybuilders exist on a diet of protein to develop muscle, and have a skinny supermodel's aversion to fat. Bodybuilders who over-train risk suffering injuries and immune system difficulties, and can neglect home, work and family life, according to Mr Smith... all caused by bad bodybuilding techniques. Bodybuilders also increase their electrolyte consumption (potassium and sodium) to reduce the risk of muscle cramps when on stage. Bodybuilding as a sport is not athletic and should not be confused with lifting sports or strongman competitions. Bodybuilding is not a project that you work hard on for a set amount of time, finish, and then sit back and admire. Bodybuilding is an ongoing, lifelong process filled with ups and downs, triumphs and setbacks, peaks and recessions. Bodybuilding is the new name of the exercise now days.

By : Steven Gwillim

What's Wrong With Your Weight Training Program? Check These 5 Things

Here's a really simple way... to tune up your weight training routine by just implementing 5 simple techniques. There is a way to common problem now-a-days where people just are wasting there time in the gym, by incorrect eduction or just flat out they have not been given any information before starting a bodybuilding program or weight training workout. Lets get right into things here... my first tip is... Take one week off from training every 8 - 10 weeks. I mean it does not seem like the common sense thing to do at first, but if you look back after and see the results for yourself it will click in as the common sense thing to do. It is a fact that a majority of people training have a psychological barrier from taking a week off from training. People think they will become weaker, but this is not the case. The truth of the matter is if you eat just as you would if you where training and don't do any physically straining activities you will actually come back stronger and bigger. 2.Train every muscle group every 5 - 7 days. This is called your [GRP] or growth recovery period. This is actually the time frame where your muscles actually grow. Of course the best way to do this is to work out 5 days on then 2 days off, but making sure you never do the same muscle group every 5 - 7 days. I mean it may be hard for you to actually setup your weight training routine like this but once you do you will be seeing amazing results. If you fail to do this there is a very good chance you will see negative results, decrease in energy levels, and even see your appetite fail as well. 3. You must have maximum intensity on every single rep. Now having proper intensity is very important to achieving the best body you want in minimal time. It is the secret to getting the most out of every single rep. It is a staggering percentage but around 95% of people training today don't train with proper intensity. You are wasting a lot of time in the gym by not training with their maximum intensity... you could get a lot more done in around half the time. Intensity is a bit more complex and is the 3rd pillar to R.I.P.P.E.D. training and we are talking about something entirely different today. Intensity is also what separates the men from the boys. Your muscle is not going to grow unless you force it to. It may be hard at first but once you master your intensity and cage it inside of you your weight training workouts will be like nothing else. 4. Each workout should last around 30 - 45 minutes. Now, when you don't train with the best intensity and take your time in the gym, you are usually there for a while. But when you start actually your weight training routine right with your maximum intensity and start knowing how many sets you should do for your current state and also your rest time between sets it should all fall around 30 - 45 minutes. This is a must for an efficient weight training program. Now when you start doing this all right 30 - 45 minutes out of your day is nothing and 5 days a week is doable. And also don't forget you be getting better results than you would be if you where taking your time, by a landslide. 5. And finally, train a maximum of 1 - 2 muscle groups per session. Once you have your sessions set up real nice you will be able to see that everything is set up perfect you will see you will never train over 1 - 2 muscle groups per day per session. This again will improve the efficiency of your weight training workout. This is great because if you remember our last steps it allows you to follow all the other rules also including the one where your sessions are only 30 - 45 minutes. You will see you are getting stronger and more ripped while doing LESS. When I started implementing these techniques I could never believe how fast I was building muscle... I was astonished. I never knew the human body was capable of such efficiency and peak performance. I guess it was the peak performance caged in me. And guess what research proven, you can do it too. I recommend picking up a copy of R.I.P.P.E.D. Weight Training Program, this is just what I learned in the first few pages. Well now how are you going to benefit unless you put it to action? You won't simply. An amazing 90% of readers who see this will not value from this info, due yourself a favor and join the 10%.

By : Steven Gwillim

Sunday, 3 June 2007

How To Lose 20 Pounds Quick!

How do you lose 20 pounds quick? Good question. It all depends on where you start. It depends on where you’re coming from and what kind of sacrifices you’re willing to make.
You can lose 7 to 10 pounds in a week, very easily, if you just clean up your eating. I mean really clean it up! We’re talking about drinking clean fluids…that means water. No saturated fats. No processed sugars. Lots of veggies…oh, and a tad bit of exercise. Say walking for 20 minutes a day after your last meal.
That’s a simple, good start. Easy stuff, too.
To lose 20 pounds quick you will need to hold steady on the above plan just a little longer. The first 10 pounds will disappear in about a week or ten days. Much of that will be water. When that’s done, you move a step further.
Next phase: exact same stuff. We’re not talking about killing yourself, here, especially if you haven’t been active for some time. An injury? That would be foolish. What good will the weight loss do if you’ve hurt yourself in the process? I’m guessing it might be depressing.
For your purpose: to lose 20 pounds quick, you don’t even need to join a gym, or lift a single weight. It’s called cleaning up your habits, if only for an abbreviated period of time. To lose weight, a small altering of your mindset is really the only essential. Begin and just stay the course, which is not always easy.
You must follow through. Action is a verb. It is continuous. Small daily adjustments, like the few outlined above are all that’s necessary. We’re talking about how to lose 20 pounds quick, not 100 pounds. You are always moving. The world spins and we move along with it.
We change our circumstances over time, mostly without notice. To effectively lose 20 pounds quick, you need to begin to take notice, to become more self –aware. It starts with the foods you eat, the fluids you drink, and the small steps you decide to engage in.
But it won’t take long. You can truly lose 20 pounds quick if you’re willing to take the very first, magical step. Simply begin.