Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Shaving Razors for Men
Shaving does have its advantages though. Shaving is one of those glorious male traditions that used to be passed down from father to son. There are many different brands and types of electric razors for men. The perfect shave has three ingredients: a good razor, a good brush, and glycerin-based shaving cream. The perfect shave is what all men strive for every morning when they bring their razor up their chin. If a man uses an electric razor for purely shaving, there are many brands that carry very basic electric razors for men. There are ones that can be used in the shower or used when the skin is wet. Always use quality mens' razors, with the sharpest blades available. Avoid disposable razors with low-grade steel blades that bend when shaving. Select a razor blade that suits your technique.
A good badger-hair shaving brush is the single most important ingredient in getting the perfect shave -- if you change no part of your shaving routine except to add a good shaving brush to the mix. There are many different types of razors for shaving unwanted hairs. Some razors are made of lightweight plastic and are disposable, some have heavy handles and only disposable heads and others come in the electric form. Blades can be of different types, double blades or loose double blades are also used in these razors. Disposable razors might be the perfect choice for those looking for a close shave without the worry of changing out the head. These are inexpensive and come in all different varieties. Safety blade razor are traditional loose, double edged razors and single and twine-blade cartridge razor.
The straight razor must be properly looked after in order to ensure the maintenance and long life of this traditional men's accessory. Traditional razors razors also offer close, smooth shaves. These are very similar to disposable razors. Electric razors are also good options for those who are on the go or who travel frequently and need a quick shave without the water or shaving lotion. Many times a man uses an electric razor if they are on the go as well as when they are at work or at the gym. This kind of razor generally plugs into the wall and often also, has a charging dock so that the razor will have power when it is not plugged in. The charging life of the razor depends on the brand. There is no common rule for sharpening of straight razors; sometimes it is sufficient to sharpen.
Shaving Tips For Men
1. Always first, shave in the same direction as hair growth, this prevents in-growth to a large extent.
2. Using your shaving brush, lather the face in a circular motion.
3. Use an exfoliate such as a facial cleanser.
4. Use a sharp blade.
5. Shaving with grain means shaving in the direction of how the hair grows on your face.
6. After shaving, apply an oil-free moisturizer to soothe and protect the face.
Juliet Cohen writes articles for http://www.beauty-makeup-guide.com/, http://www.beauty-makeup-skincare.com and http://www.cosmeticsdiary.com/ .
Shaving Razors for Men
The Essential Top 6 Best Muscle Building Supplements
If you're old enough to remember, or lucky enough to have saved some bodybuilding magazines from the 80's then you could see which muscle building supplements they were advertising then and which ones are still being advertised today. There's a few that have carried on because they work. Truth is, so many products come and go because they're fads and simply don't do what they promised.
It's easy to get your head spinning and wondering about all the ads in the mags and what people say about this new product and that. If you're serious about bodybuilding but haven't been at it for several years or you aren't getting ready for a contest, then the best advice about muscle building supplements is "stick to the basics".
There have been a few constant, proven supplements that have helped people speed up their muscle building process. Products that have not gone away and won't because they are part of the basic building blocks of a complete bodybuilding program. Here they are:
1) Protein Supplements (Whey Protein, Meal Replacements, Protein Bars)
2) Creatine
3) Glutamine
4) Multivitamins & Minerals
5) Essencial Fatty Acids
6) Glucosamine
1) Whey Protein
Since muscles require protein and lots of it for growth we give the NO.1 spot to protein. Of all the types of protein available whey protein is the beat you can put into your body. Why? Because it rates highest in "bio-availability" meaning the largest amounts will be absorbed into your body than any other type of protein.
Whey Protein has all of the essential amino acids and is high in the Branch Chain Amino Acids which will prevent your muscle tissue from breaking down during your workouts.
The two main types of whey protein you'll find on the market are isolate and concentrate. Both are of the highest quality and the difference is isolate tends to mix better in liquid and some people say it tastes better. You can also buy products which are a mixture of both isolate and concentrate whey protein.
To make sure you get all your protein requirements every day, whey protein is the way to go.
Meal Replacements (MRP's) Meal replacement powders have become very popular probably because of their convenience. Whereas whey protein has just one type of protein and no real amounts of carbs, fats, or vitamins and minerals, a MRP usually has several types of protein like casein, milk, egg, and whey combined along with carbs, vitamins and minerals so it really is more of a meal.
The good thing about MRP's is the convenient packets and the more complete nutrient value but the the downside is they are more expensive than the pure protein products.
Protein Bars Protein bars can have their place. You can take them anywhere with you and just start chewing, no powders to mix or anything like that so convenience is really the key with bars. The downside is they are usually higher in sugar and are made with a lower quality protein found in the other products mentioned above..
2) Creatine
This supplement is the most popular muscle building product used today, and for good reason... it really does work. It has been proven in the lab and in the gym.
Here's what it does for you: 1) will increase your lean muscle and strength 2) will speed up your recovery time 3) decrease lactic acid production 4) decrease mental fatigue Recently, more studies have been made on creatine and there is great news about it's benefits for not only muscle builders but for all around health. It has been shown to improve symptoms of Parkinson's disease, and Huntington's disease. It improves sarcopenia which is a loss of muscle mass due to aging, improves function of the brain, and improves cardiac function in those with congestive heart failure.
A truly modern supper supplement if ever there was one.
3) Glutamine Glutamine
another of the basic and essential muscle building supplements. It's noticeable effects won't be as instant as creatine but rather help you get faster overall gains in the long term. It is one of the amino acids who's major role is to make protein for your body. It promotes muscle growth while decreasing muscle catabolism, which is when your muscles get stressed and start to break down after being heavily stressed from a hard workout which will have a negative affect on the glutamine levels in your body. Providing sufficient amounts of glutamine will eliminate this muscle-robbing catabolic state.
Your body gets gluamine from protien-rich foods like diary, poultry, red meat, fish and beans but to get a lot of it you'd have to eat real large amounts of these foods so a supplement for additional glutamine is a good idea.
4) Multivitamins & Minerals
In a perfect world, with a perfectly balanced diet you wouldn't need to take a multivitamin & mineral pill but unfortunately most of us don't eat perfectly balanced diets and if we did chances of our food being nutrient rich and organic are not too good.
There are thousands of reactions going on in our bodies which rely on enzymes. Vitamins ensure that enzymes are there in quality and quantity to make sure these chemical reactions happen efficiently in our bodies constantly.
So vitamins are important for overall health but for muscle building as well. Hard workouts will tax many vitamins in your body and therefore to keep the muscle building process happening in a positive way, supplementation is key.
5) Essential Fatty Acids
A good portion of your diet needs to be fat. No, not the kind that comes from greasy fries or doughnuts but the good, natural fat we can get from peanuts, avocados, cold water fish like salmon, olive oil and flax seed oil.
Fatty acids will improve your metabolism, increase your testosterone production and your growth hormone secretion therefore playing an important role in building muscle.
6) Glucosamine
When glutamine joins forces with glucose, they form a sulfate called glucosamine. Most simple carbohydrates are used as an energy source but glucosamine gets right into the structure of your body tissues.
The sulfate chondroitin can also help to prevent injuries by getting around your joint surfaces and giving a smooth range of motion. This works well with glucosamine and some companies have created products using both.
Not only does it help in reducing joint inflammation and pain, it actually treats the problem by rebuilding damaged cartilage and connective tissue.
There you have it, the top 6 best muscle building supplements you can use to round out your work out program to get the maximum amount of gains. Remember, these supplements won't work unless you do! Most of your gains will come from hard work and a good diet. Used as part of a good training program you will see results a lot faster with the proper supplements. For all the Best Muscle Building Supplements visit http://Supplements-Direct.com and sign up for the FREE newsletter to receive the must have e-book "8 Things You Must Do To Build Maximum Muscle"
The Essential Top 6 Best Muscle Building Supplements
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
How P90X Reviews Can Help You
There are various P90X reviews that an individual can find online to assist them in deciding upon this program. An individual could ask questions and view other people's opinions of this type of regiment. The many different P90X reviews will be an excellent method in determining if this type of program is correct for the individual. A person can search across the internet to locate blogs with P90X reviews without much effort. An individual may find this information useful in determining if the program can be completed by certain types of people. The reviews are an excellent choice to locate information about how other people view this type of program and if it would benefit an individual's needs. There is information in the P90X reviews that will assist a person in deciding if their fitness level is correct for the extensiveness of the system.
Most of the P90X reviews were favorable towards the product. However, this item is an extensive workout. The many reviews suggest highly that a person check their fitness level by taking the P90X test. It will determine if a person can withstand the extensive exercises that are present. The P90X reviews agree that a person will receive as much as they put into it. If an individual is only doing half of the exercises or they are not putting their heart and mind into it, they will not see the results as quickly. An individual will have high levels of assistance from P90X reviews. These informational guides will let a person understand exactly what they are receiving. This may include the diet information, the other guides facts and even each workout in review. A person will be able to ask question or receive answers from the person that are giving the reviews or even from the websites that offer this product. Before committing to this regiment it is an excellent idea to look into other reviews of the P90X product.
An individual will be able to use this program with out much effort. There is information regarding individuals that need to loose weight or for a person that would just like to tone their bodies. Each person will need to decide if they are capable to begin and continue this type of program. The many different p90x reviews will help each person in deciding if this method is right for them. An individual will need to ask certain questions and possibly receive the answers directly from those people who are currently doing the program. It is an excellent technique to decide if this method is the correct way to loose weight and to begin to feel wonderful. Are you looking for reviews of the P90X workout routine? There are many people blogging about their successes of the P90X workout routine and the only reason why, is because of their success.
How P90X Reviews Can Help You
Friday, 12 October 2007
What Causes Acne And How To Cure It
Nearly everyone will experience some form of acne in their life. The amount that you experience is left up to many things including the way that you care for your skin, your lifestyle as well as your genes. This condition is one that is known for causing a variety of problems for people. Also called pimples, the condition is actually small infections on the skin that can be made worsened by opening them up to expose the puss located within.
Acne starts with skin glands that become blocked. The follicles, or the location in the skin where the hair grows from, become blocked by bacteria build up. As this bacteria builds up, it will cause infections in the skin, which shows up as red pimples on the skin's surface. They can become itchy and uncomfortable. Most often, the largest problem with these spots is that they are unsightly which causes many people to try anything to get rid of them. What is important to note is that this condition is common and that nearly everyone experiences it at some time.
Although unsightly, these pimples and infections can lead to other problems as well. They can become swollen and painful. In some situations they can break open and bleed, causing even more pain and discomfort. Even after they heal, through proper treatment, they can leave a scar on the dermis of the skin, which is a lifelong reminder of the situation. Careful treatment of the condition is the best way to avoid this. Though acne is normal for most people, it does not have to be nearly as troublesome when correct methods are taken to overcome it. Joe Stewart is a webmaster that writes about topics that interest him or affect him. Get more information about fast cures for acne by visiting his website at AbolishAcne.com or by clicking on Cure Your Acne Fast
What Causes Acne And How To Cure It
Flat Abs - Are They for Everyone?
Many People think that flat abs are a myth, and that they are something that only the elite of fit people can have. Anyone can achieve flat abs, as long as they adopt certain principles in their lives for them to be able to accomplish this.
If you are the sort of person who dislikes exercising excessively, or if you would prefer to be flayed alive than be seen in a gym or doing anything that even vaguely looks like an exercise, then you might find that it's a little harder to get the flat abs that you are desire.
On the other hand, however, if you don't mind the rigors of exercise and if you are okay with perspiration dripping down your face and your muscles aching from abominably because you just had a great day getting down and dirty with your abdominal exercises, then there is definitely hope for you yet.
You will find it easier to get into the groove of exercising and eating a healthy diet in order to get your flat abs, because make no mistake, it will require exercise and you will need to alter your diet to something that is remotely resembling healthy into order to get flat abs.
Having said that, if all you want is to lose that belly fat, and not necessarily to have flat abs, you should be able to considerably cut down on the abdominal exercises that you need to do, but remember this is only if you want to lose the tummy fat, not if you want to achieve gorgeous looking flat abs.
To reach this goal, sorry to say, you will need to exercise and you will need to eat in a healthy way, and this includes the quantity of alcohol you drink on a daily or weekly basis too. Once you have come to terms with all of this of course, you have the option of getting yourself down to your doctor and getting a routine physical done, or you also have the option of just winging things and taking it slowly to begin with. The choice is entirely up to you.
Then the next thing on you agenda is that you need to find an abdominal exercise program that will suit your physical fitness level as well as your goals. If you want flat abs, then you certainly won't have to do as many exercises as you would if you wanted six pack abs. And when this is all sorted out, you can then set about the mission of acquiring your flat abs today, without any more delay. For more information on this subject go to http://www.firm-abs-secret.com
by LESLEY KNOWLESFlat Abs - Are They for Everyone?
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
Look and Feel Younger with Dance Exercise
Everyone has days when they feel old—like you're just not as physically fit, flexible or energetic as you used to be. Of course this naturally happens more and more as we age, but there are things you can do to at least turn back the clock and feel young again.
When was the last time you danced? It might have been years ago, probably at a wedding where you danced one song and then sat out the rest of the night. Or maybe you're a person who always loved to dance but you haven't been able to find time for it in your life since you had kids.
Whatever your attitude toward dance has been in the past, I'm here to tell you that dancing is a wonderful exercise to help you feel more energetic and youthful. Dance gets your heart pumping and gets you feeling like a kid again.
Once you start moving to the music, you stop caring about all the worries of the world. Endorphins the feel good hormones are naturally released into your body and you start to feel happy and relaxed. You might even start laughing and acting a little silly, all the while you're burning calories, bonding with your family members and having the most fun exercising you've had in a really long time.
You don't have to be an expert to bring the energy of dance into your workouts. Even if you've never danced before or have two left feet, you can better your body, lose weight and have a great time with simple easy to follow dance exercise moves. The key is combining simple moves that anyone can do with really great music that makes you forget you're "working out" and just keeps you focused on moving your body.
Using dance exercise is the ultimate cardiovascular workout. You'll work out your arms, legs, abs, shoulders and more. Dancing can improve flexibility and balance and give you more self-confidence.
Dancing to different kinds of music and incorporating moves from around the world brings you closer to different cultures and actually educates you while you're sweating your worries away.
And because you're only as young as you feel, dancing brings a little fun back into your life, which will make you feel more enthusiastic and inspired, about your workout and about life.
Working out, with dance or any other program, helps relieve stress and makes you feel better equipped to deal with the problems you will face every day. You'll be improving your health every day you dance, no matter what shape you were in when you started.
Dancing is something that anyone can do, no matter your age, weight, sex or previous experience with dancing. It's easy to learn, fun to do and an energizing workout that you'll want to stick with for the long haul. Start your day dancing and you'll start your day with a smile.
Look and Feel Younger with Dance Exercise