Friday, 29 December 2006

Ripped Six Pack Abs

Copyright 2006 Raymond BurtonCrazy
toned and ripped six pack abs. That's the key to showing an awesome body. If you think that all training is about is making sure your chest is big enough to make your shirt hang out past your stomach then you�re missing the boat. Chiseled abs are awesome abs.
How do you get ripped abs?
It's about diet, cardio and hard ab routines. I'll give you the low down on how to burn in some washboard abs with this killer ab routine and save the diet ramble for the main book Fat To Fit.
First of all if your not training abs, start. That would be beginner ab routine phase one! Three sets of crunches for 20 reps a set. If that's not a problem then superset each set of crunches with a set of hip roles, followed by a brief 30 second rest to let the burn fizzle a bit.
For hip roles you lie on the ground pushing down with your hands and raise your pelvis off the floor so the tail bone comes right up and squeeze the abs!
Last step in the beginner ab routine is to add in some bridges or "planks" as some "guru's" of fitness have coined them. This is basically a pushup position but you don't rest on your hands, you rest on your forearms and just hold it for 30-60 seconds. Don't let your lower back sag! Keep a slightly inverted c posture like your trying to pull your hips toward your chin.
So here is the ab routine once you are working all exercises together.
Beginner six pack ab routine phase 1: Crunch x20 Hip roll x20 Bridge for 30-60 seconds Rest and repeat for 3 circuits or just keep rotating through! Alright enough of the easy stuff, we're here for some serious six pack abs, killer abs.
Onto Ab Routine 2: The ab killer! I love pet names. This ab routine will all be done on the decline bench.
The first ab exercise? Decline hip roll/leg raise. Beauty!
Step 1: Put your head where your feet should be
Step 2: grab the bench or the footholds; whichever is more comfortable (not that it will matter in a few minutes)!
Step 3: Stretch out and do a straight-legged leg raises.
Step 4: once at the top of the leg raise turn it into a hip roll so that you point your feet at the ceiling. Hold for a three count and go back down!
Second six pack ab routine exercise: Incline sit-ups:
Step 1: put your feet in the foot holds (you've turned around!)
Step 2: Lower yourself until you're about a foot short of lying fully back
Step 3: Come back up if you�re still with me!
Third ab routine exercise:Incline Russian twists (even sounds evil doesn't it?)
Step 1: don't move out of the sit up position. Just grab a medicine ball or a 10- pound weight.
Step 2: straighten fully your arms right to your front and lower yourself to the bottom position of the incline sit up and hold it.
Step 3: Rotate to the right 90 degrees with your arms straight and then back to the left at 90 degrees. That's one rep. You don't come out of the bottom at all! Fun huh?
Here it is ab routine layout:
Leg raise/hip roll x20
Incline sit-ups x20Russian twists x20 or 40 if you count both sides! No rest between ab exercises, and only 30-60 seconds rest after completing the tri-set.
Third Ab Routine:
And the grand daddy hardest ab routine ever? For mortals anyway? Because I remember something about homer Simpson and a cannon ball, but I think you need to have access to the applesauce bar for that ab routine to work!
Well let�s call it the "commando cardio ab annihilation" workout. I have to have a fancy name on it or you wouldn't be interested! It involves a pre-stretch, a contraction and dynamic stabilization (I just made that up, but you get the idea) exercise. Here are the ab routine exercises.
1. Smith machine, Swiss ball hip rolls
2. Partner resisted Swiss ball crunches
3. Swiss ball rollouts
4. Profuse sweating and clutching of the stomach.
Ab routine exercise 1: Smith machine, Swiss ball hip rolls:
1.Set the bar low in the smith machine, just below the top of the Swiss ball.
2. Sit on the ball and roll out so that you have to reach back and grab the bar as you lie on the ball. You should be about 2-3 feet away, stabilizing your self by holding the bar and flexing everything!
3. Using only your abs, stretch your pelvis down as low as it will go and then do a hip roll. Legs straight is the hardest.
Ab routine exercise 2: Partner resisted Swiss ball crunches.
1. It�s a normal Swiss ball ab crunch but your arms are crossed across your chest and your "friend" pushes down on your shoulders to apply resistance. That's it,..ahem.
Ab routine exercise 3: Swiss ball rollouts.
1. Kneel on a pad with legs crossed ball in front of you not on the pad.
2. Your hands are on the ball so it now looks like your praying.
3. Roll the ball out until your straight as a board with your head between your arms and pull it back in.
4. Profuse sweating and clutching of the stomach. This should come naturally.
In a six pack ab routine all together?
Smith machine/Swiss ball hip rolls x20
Partner resisted Swiss ball crunches x20
Swiss ball rolloutsx20
Rest 30-60 seconds after each tri-set circuit or continue right through if you're a freak of nature or slightly "touched". I've never gotten 20 on all ab exercises on all three sets in a continuous circuit; let me know if you do!
I'll have to buckle down!

Can You Really Add an Inch to Your Biceps in 3 Minutes?

Yes, Yes you can. In this article I am going to teach you the secrets to building the big guns - Bulging Biceps. What is more I shall also simultaneously increase your lifts by and average of 100 % (all though in some cases ad much as 250%) on the major lift for this muscle group.So how am I going to support my fantastic claims? I'm going to give you a incredibly intense three minute arm routine unlike ANYTHING you've ever experienced. You will feel every muscle fibre contract and fatigue. You will felt he rush of power and strength as you break every physical barrier you thought you had. You are going to experience Isometrics!Isometrics is not a cutting edge new discovery for gaining mass. It's not a supplement. It is in fact one of the oldest methods of strength training devised, forgotten until now. It is the contraction of a muscle without the shortening of a joint - In other words, tensing the muscle as hard as possible without moving. I'm going to show you how to apply it to three major lifts, 1 for the biceps, triceps and forearms.You'll need a smith machine to perform these exercises safely.Bulging BicepsWarm up your biceps with a few light dumbbell or barbell curls. Nothing too taxing just enough to get them nice and warm, the blood flowing. You're going to need it.
1. Stand in the Smyth Machine.
2. Place an empty Bar at about shoulder height (you may have to vary this to ensure the maximum effect).
3. Bring your hands up to the bar as though you have just reached the top of a barbell curl. Set it an inch below.
4. Keep you back straight, your abs tense.
5. Your biceps should be close to fully flexed at this stage. Relax, we haven't put any weight on the bar yet.
6. Load the bar with a LOT of weight. Don't underestimate your self. To give an example, a friend who routinely curls 6okg on a barbell recently did this for the first time, he lifted 260kg his first attempt.
7. The object of the exercise is to raise the bar a little more than an inch. That's it. Just an inch and then hold it there for 7 seconds.
8. If you can hold it longer than 7 add more weight. Anything less, take some weight off.
9. All you are doing to raise the bar is contract your biceps as hard as you can. At no time should your elbows be directly beneath the bar.
10. Really tense your biceps and forearms for all they are worth.
11. You will feel the blood rush, the muscles scream and an intensity few will ever experience.
12. Then rest. Take a week off training the biceps.
13. Buy some new shirts.
Have fun showing them off ;-)
by Paul J.O'Brien

Wednesday, 13 December 2006

Newbie's Guide to Developing Strength and Size in Bodybuilding

By Troy Pearsall
Most neophytes don't know how to get started in bodybuilding they spend many years doing the wrong things before they learn what exactly the right things are. In this article I will address one of the mistakes the newbie's make and give a simple antidote to the problem of developing strength and size as a bodybuilder.I think before we go any further its important to understand that strength training for a bodybuilder is not the same as for other athletes. A bodybuilder must develop strength while building muscle size, shape and endurance, and on many occasions these goals are exclusive of each other. So let's start this discussion with how to choose the correct weight.What does your trainer mean when he says light weight or moderate or heavy? How do you know by the weight what rep count you should use? I try to simplify this all too confusing problem in just a few lines.Everyone get confused about what is heavy weight, what is moderate weight and what is light weight. I will try clear this up for you right now. Heavy weight is any amount that is so heavy that on your first set you can only complete 6 to 8 reps. I think it goes to reason that on your second and third set you will not be able to complete as many.Moderate weight is any amount that is so heavy that on your first set you can only complete 8- 12 reps. Of course less on the following sets Light weight is any amount that is so heavy that on your first set you can only complete 15-25 repsNow there is one more thing that I want to address that is strength. understand this, just because you are getting bigger does not mean you are getting stronger; however, if you are getting stronger you are getting bigger even if you can't see the size increase! Finally, train to get stronger, but not for strength, if you understand the principles of the Progressive Resistance System this will make more senseThe four days per week workout The four days per week is called a split routine, because the body is split into four sections Unlike a lot of trainers I think there is a relationship between growth and total amount of sets completed in a week's time. On the three day routine you had 9 set for chest, back and quads, and six set for shoulders. In this routine the weekly sets will range between 12 and 16 per body part.In no way do I advocate the High Intensity Training (HIT) methods that you'll find in all over the internet. I don't deny how well it works; I just feel much of the injury throughout my career has come as a result of working out with too much intensity. Age and wisdom has taught me to the never to even advocate the negative or forced reps for any reason I personally call them injury reps! But let move on to what I think will work.Some important things to understand about this routine1. Workouts are never longer than 1 hour! Never!2. Dips are done with no weight, except "bench dips" if you have a partner3. "Max" represents the most you can do correctly( never do forced reps)4. Unless I specify dumbbells, use only barbell5. shoulder press are done to the front of the chest not behind the neck See article my article on shoulder injuries6. Lat pull downs are done at shoulder width never wider and only to the front of the chest.7. Seated row are done either on a seated row machine or on seated on a low cable row machine. If doing them on a low cable row machine lean forward only enough to full extend your arms keep lower back arched. Never let the shoulders roll forward for that "extra stretch"8. Barbell curls are done in smoothly never jerky or fast.9. Leg press are done with full range of motion your calf should touch your hamstring at the stretched position.10. Leg curls should be contracted until heel touches you butt.11. Seated calf raises this exercise is harder than it appears. Calf should get a full stretch at the bottom of the movement, and completely contracted at the top.12. Warm up and cool down with about 10 t 15 minutes of stationary bike or ski machine ( I only do low or no impact aerobics, never run, never stairs,)13. Stretch only after you have completed the workout and only for the muscles worked that day.Workout 1 MondayDips 4 set of 8-12 reps Bench press 4 set of 8-12 reps Dumbbell Shoulder Press 4 set of 8-12 reps Shoulder Shrugs 4 set of 8-12 repsWorkout 2 TuesdayPull Ups 4sets of 6-8 Reps Lat pull downs 4 sets of 8-12 reps Seated Rows 4 sets of 8-12 reps Seated Calf Raises 4 sets of 15-25 repsWorkout 3 Thursday (after one day rest)Hack Squats 4 sets of 15-25 reps Leg Press 4sets of 15-25 reps Leg Curls 4 sets of 8-12 reps Standing Calf Raises 4 sets of 15-25 repsWorkout 4 FridayBarbell Curls 3 sets of 8-12 reps Dumbbell Curls 3 sets of 8-12 reps Bench Dips 4 sets of 8-12 Reps Close Grip Bench Press 4 sets of 8-12 reps
Troy Pearsall has over 25 years of bodybuilding experience. 15 years as a competitive bodybuilder 15 years as a personal trainer and 10 years as a trainer of competitive bodybuilders. He has other successes in other areas but his first love is teaching the sport of bodybuilding. for mor information go to

10 Simple Steps To Skyrocket Your Natural Testosterone Production

By Sean Nalewanyj
10 Simple Steps To Skyrocket Your Natural Testosterone Production
There are many factors that determine how much muscle a person can ultimately build.
Training intensity, nutrition, supplementation and rest; these are just a few of the many variables that will contribute to your overall muscle-building "bottom line". Another major factor in this giant equation is your body's natural levels of the anabolic hormone testosterone.
Quite simply, testosterone is the most important muscle-building hormone in your body and is one of the limiting factors that determines how much muscle a person can build. Here is just a small handful of the many amazing benefits that increased testosterone levels will provide you with:
- Increased muscle size and strength. - Decreased body fat levels. - Increased sex drive and sexual endurance. - Improved mood. - Decreased levels of "bad" cholesterol.
Sounds pretty good, doesn't it? Well it is, and I'm going to show you exactly how to achieve all of these benefits step by step. Before I do that, let's cover some basic biology so that we're all on the same page here. Here are the general steps that the body goes through in order to produce this incredible hormone:
First, the brain releases a substance called Luteinizing Hormone, or "LH" for short. LH basically "tells" the body to start producing testosterone. Once this occurs, the adrenal glands release DHEA into the bloodstream. LH and DHEA then travel together to the testes where testosterone production begins. Testosterone can now be released into the bloodstream to perform its magic.
So, without further ado, here are some basic methods you can implement in order to naturally raise your body's levels of testosterone and take advantage of all of its amazing benefits.
1) Use compound exercises as the cornerstone of your workouts. I'm talking about the basic, bread-and-butter lifts such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, rows, chin-ups, dips, lunges and military presses. This will place your muscles under the greatest amount of stress in the gym and will force your body to increase testosterone production.
2) Always train with 100% effort and intensity. If you want to see real muscle gains, you must be willing to push yourself to the limit in the gym. Again, greater muscular stress in the gym translates to higher testosterone output.
3) Train your legs equally as hard as your upper body. As you may already be aware, intense leg training can actually stimulate growth in your chest, back and arms. This is due in part to the increase in testosterone that leg training induces.
4) Increase your EFA consumption. Essential Fatty Acids from sources such as peanuts, avocadoes, fish and healthy oils like flax seed, olive and canola are a great way to naturally boost testosterone levels.
5) Reduce your intake of soy. Soy protein raises the body's levels of estrogen (the main female hormone) and this has a direct negative effect on testosterone levels.
6) Limit your consumption of alcohol. Alcohol has been shown to have quite a dramatic effect on testosterone levels, so try to limit your "binge drinking" nights and keep your alcohol consumption in moderation.
7) Increase your dietary intake of cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, turnips, cabbage and brussel sprouts have all been shown to dramatically reduce estrogen levels, thereby raising testosterone.
8) Lower your daily stress levels. Being overly stressed stimulates the release of "cortisol", a highly catabolic hormone that will cause your testosterone levels to plummet.
9) Increase your sexual activity. Sexual stimulation causes the body to increase the production of oxytocin which increases endorphin production (the "feel-good" chemical), and this also raises testosterone.
10) Make sure to get adequate sleep every night. A lack of sleep contributes to cortisol production, and this will lower your testosterone levels.
So there you have it, 10 basic, easy-to-follow guidelines for increasing your testosterone levels naturally.
Start implementing these techniques on a consistent basis and get ready for some dramatic muscle size and strength gains!
About The Author
Sean Nalewanyj is a bodybuilding expert, fitness author and writer of top-selling Internet Bodybuilding E-Book: The Truth About Building Muscle. Learn the unbiased truth about achieving maximum muscle growth at his website:

Diet For Natural Bodybuilding - Powerful Tips You Can Use Everyday

by Mike selcsum

We are going to examine the most common challenge bodybuilders face which is nutrition.
Unfortunately there is so much confusion about what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat and on and on that it is almost impossible to sort out what to do. Also eating to grow is very different the eating to get shredded so the key point to remember is that your diet needs to evolve with your physique.
Consistency and self-discipline on your eating is two biggest keys to long term success on whatever eating program that you are following. Bodybuilders who are successful always plan ahead and have meals prepared well in advance. If you don't plan out your meals and have them with you at all times you will invariably fail in giving yourself the best possible gains. Hoping that restaurants, or friends or relatives will be serving "bodybuilding food" is unrealistic and leads to frustration as well as no progress. Don't be one of those people who do not prepare their meals in advance.
Here are a few simple rules to remember:
1. Always carry 1-2 meals with you more than you think you will need. This way any delays in your schedule will not throw your eating off.
2. Always eat before you go shopping, to the movies, or to other social occasions where non-nutritious food will be served this way you will reduce any cravings for junk.
3. Prepare food in bulk and use Tupperware containers so that you can grab quick meals at any time. Also you will find it takes very little extra time to prepare 10 meals as it does one meal. This savings in time will actually make your life way more efficient and your eating plan easy to stick too.
4. Get off all artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners cause cravings for sugar, mess up your metabolism and brain function, and may have negative effects on your overall health. Cut them out of your diet immediately and switch to Stevia, or Raw Honey for sweetening. No Diet Sodas.
5. Drink plenty of water each day. Most often dehydration is misinterpreted as hunger. Slug back a liter of water 30 minutes before eating or when you feel hungry and you will see how it curbs appetite significantly.
6. Place nutritious snacks in you car, your office desk at your house basically everywhere that you spend a considerable amount of time. You will quickly develop the habit of eating healthy and junk foods will quickly lose their appeal.
7. Schedule a regular junk food meal once per week. This is a powerful lesson that starts building the will to understand delayed gratification. Every time you have a craving for junk food simply right it down and schedule to eat it on a set day. By the end of the week you can review the list and go eat those foods guilt free. Often times by the junk food day you won't want the food or it won't taste as good as you anticipated. Over time you will develop more control over your cravings and reduce negative guilt associations with food.
This list isn't the be all and end all of eating but it gives you a start to work with.
Keep in mind that your eating program should evolve over time. Your body will naturally adjust from desiring different types of foods depending on a variety of factors such as season, nutrient levels, PH balance of the body, training demands, and conditioning levels to name a few.
Recording how food affects you as biofeedback is critical in understanding the powerful effects of food on your mood and your performance. Review your eating journal regularly so that you become aware of your patterns of eating as well developing awareness of how each food affects your body.
You must master eating and training first before supplements can be effective. So many people try the other way around and wind up frustrated. No supplement can make up for a poor diet or poor training so vow to master these two facets first before wasting money on supplements. Once you master your diet than the right supplement at the right time can do wonders to improve performance but seldom does the supplement deliver when the diet is poor.

Thailand Strongman 2006 Contest At The Mall bangkae, Bangkok, Thailand

Thursday, 7 December 2006

Thailand Strongman Contest 2006

แข่งขัน สรุปรวมแต่ละภาค เพื่อหาคนไทย 3 คนไปแข่งกับต่างชาติ